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  • Hi! Are you in Massachusetts? I can't tell, but guessed you might be because, why would you be looking at the state thread? I mean, folks might browse California or Texas threads, but Mass???
    Oh, I think you are wise to start small and work up. I jumped in whole hog and am waiting for 6 chicks to be delivered in late April. 3 Buckeyes, 2 Golden Buff and 1 egg layer to be named later. We will see. May be too many for my size coop and pen. But I do have a large fenced yard and hope to let them free range in the afternoons once they get settled.
    Exciting! That sounds like good fun! That’s also a very ideal time to start raising some chicks. As long as they can run around during the day and have a good place to roost at night, I’m sure they will have everything they need and be very happy hens. Best of luck to you and your flock!
    Thank you for a heartening message! I am trying to stay positive. I am very excited to start chickens, and just hope to do right by them.
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