Recent content by StinkyAcres

  1. StinkyAcres

    🖌Community Art Nook🖌

    I see most abstract art a little differently. There are abstract artists who know how to use their skills to make something beautiful. There are seemingly random patterns in nature which can be stunning and some abstract art can resemble those patterns. I have tried abstract art and it was a...
  2. StinkyAcres

    🖌Community Art Nook🖌

    I actually like the middle one the best. Not worth much more than the frame and canvas it's painted on, IMHO, and it has no meaning, but it would look great in a room with those colors. The last one is gross. 🤣
  3. StinkyAcres

    🖌Community Art Nook🖌

    Is it more decor to you maybe? Sometimes I like abstract art used as an accent piece in a room, for example.
  4. StinkyAcres

    🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

    Wow, that's great! She is smart. I wish my dogs were smart enough to not eat things that make them sick!
  5. StinkyAcres

    🖌Community Art Nook🖌

    I think of abstract art, mainly. I like some modern art, but a lot of it is just plain ridiculous. Is art supposed to confuse and frustrate people when they view it? I don't think so... 🤣
  6. StinkyAcres

    TheDawg’s Random Thread

    Couldn't see them horrible internet didn't like that.
  7. StinkyAcres

    🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

    My dogs get very sick from eating grass, so I wouldn't encourage that with mine. I also plan to teach my next dog that eating anything off the floor/ground is not allowed, so I won't be throwing treats and things like that.
  8. StinkyAcres

    Help me find my future dog breed?

    How about a Boxer? Raised ours from a puppy and he was amazing around small animals. Boxers are very friendly but also good guard dogs. They have a good amount of energy and tend to stay quite active into their senior years. Yes, they do literally bounce off the walls as puppies, but they...
  9. StinkyAcres

    Tell your favorite chicken breed!

    I haven't had that many breeds, but if I had to choose one as my favorite it would be the Plymouth Rock. Ameraucana-type Easter Eggers are my favorite chickens.
  10. StinkyAcres

    Am I overreacting with biosecurity?

    No, you are not overreacting. Always quarantine new birds from other farms for at least a couple weeks, especially if the breeder has not been NPIP certified. Some diseases can easily spread to your existing flock, not just by contact with the infected chicken, but through the air and on your...
  11. StinkyAcres

    TheDawg’s Random Thread

    Good for you! We've been so busy we haven't been able to get the dogs out much. I feel bad about that.. :(
  12. StinkyAcres

    Growth suddenly appeared on dog's dewclaw

    I agree, it looks like the outer layer of the claw has been torn off. He probably caught his claw on something. Keep it clean with something like Vetericyn Plus. Also, his claws are very long and could use a trim.
  13. StinkyAcres

    TheDawg’s Random Thread

    Went yard saling today and scored big time! Lots of good free stuff, including a self-watering raised planter box! :yesss:
  14. StinkyAcres

    Your flower gardens!

    Thank you! It has filled out so much since last year. Sometimes I just stare at it....actually a lot of times I stare at it. 😄
  15. StinkyAcres

    6 week runners with the rest of the flock?

    I wouldn't throw in birds from another farm without quarantining first.
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