Reviews by FarmerGirl101


Super Admin
Pros: Goes Broody easily
Great Personality
Quiet crows
Small eggs (Could be a con but they are great for gifts as people are so fascinated about them)
Cons: Bad layers
Gets mites often
Gets worms often too
I have a little gal who is so sweet. She came from a home who didn't pay too close attention to the birds so she was labeled as shy and skittish. As I worked with her I learned how sweet she was and she had a big personality. The roosters are super sweet and I love their colouring. My favourite was a Serama Frizzle who was very pretty. Overall I highly recommend these birds for those who want not many eggs and for a city house!
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Super Admin
Pros: Adorable and cute.
Cons: Die almost instanly
I got 4 from my neighbor and I loved them soo much. A bit after I put them with my flock I go check on them and to my horror I find my rooster dead and all my chickens trampling him. A few days later the 3 hens I had left died with no sign of injury. I did talk to my neighbor and all her Polish but one died. She had like 6-10 of them. They are amazing bird keepers so it is surprising that they died but lesson learned: NEVER BUY POLISHES!!!


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Pros: Mine layed throughout the winter with no light
Cons: flighty
My Leghorns layed all winter with no light in the coop while my other one didn't. They love to fly so they are hard to catch as on flew into a tree so the definitely beat the myth that chickens don't fly as they do!


Super Admin
Pros: Great pets, sweet, great to cheer you up, great mothers
Cons: No cons what so ever
I have two of the Buff Orpingtons and they are just the sweetest things! I have one that I will put in the front yard without anything and she just stays there. They are amazing if having them as indoor pets!
Pros: -They don't mind being handled
-They are super nice
-My Drake is very quiet
-The chicks are kinder then the Pekin chicks (That is my opinoin)
Cons: after about 5 months with him, I still have no cons
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Super Admin
Pros: -My male Pekin will protect my male Runner like he is a female
-Motherly protective instinct to my Runner
Cons: -Nothing fits ex. I bought a duck diaper and harness, people said it fit their 1-year-old Pekin duck, it was too small for my 6-month-old duck
-They will get stuck behind everything!
-They scratch a lot when handled
-Must be handled at a young age
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