

The Black Langshan originated in China where it is thought to have been made a pure breed. ...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Easily handled, Calm, Bears confinement well, Quiet, Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Single comb: Black, Blue, White. Some breeders are working on a Barred Langshan.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Langshan is a rather unique looking breed. It is an extremely tall looking chicken with a characteristic 'U' shape body. Besides it's leg length, much of it's height comes from the uprightness with which it stands. The breed's deep, full breast and exceptional depth of body, long back and the straight rising tail angle all contribute to its distinctive “U” shape.

Langshans are named after district around the Yangtsze-kiang River in China where they were developed over many centuries. There are four distinct types within the breed. The most popular version, is the original utility black Langshan, these became known as Croad Langshans in England, named after Major A.C. Croad, who was the first to import the breed into England 1872. They have lightly feathered shanks and outside toes, and are the most common type of Langshan in the US also. Another popular type is the German Langshan which is also very tall and clean legged. In England the long legged type known as the Modern Langshan was developed more for the show pen and the birds came to resemble the Modern Games. Then there was a shorter legged version resembling the Cochin. These birds were used in the creation of the Orpington.

The Lanshan is a dual purpose breed. They are considered good meat birds with the full breast giving an abundance of white meat. They are also a very hardy breed, considered easy to raise, they are quite cold tolerant and are heat tolerant. They are very good foragers and good flyers. The hens are very good layers, will go broody occasionally and make good mothers.

They have been used in the formation of many other breeds.

The APA recognizes three colors, the original Black, with White and Blue being added to the standard later.

It was recognized by the APA in 1883 and is on The Livestock Conservancy's list as Threatened.

Langshan eggs

Langshan chicks

Langshan juvenile

Langshan hen

Langshan rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here:

Latest reviews

Pros: Friendly
Easily handled
Cons: Escape artist
Late layer
Zelda is the only Langshan in my flock (she is a pretty Blue Langshan). She is the only chicken out of my flock of 8 to frequently escape the run’s 6 foot fence - she loves to fly / jump. With that said, she is one of the 2 easiest chickens to handle/pick up. Zelda voluntarily jumps up onto my back/shoulder and will stay there for a while if allowed to. She readily eats treats from my and my 6 year old’s hands - also lets my 6 year old pick her up with no fuss. She tends to follow us around more and is more curious about what I’m doing than the other chickens.

I have also noticed that she is freeranging by herself 50% of the time the flock is allowed onto the rest of our 1 acre during the day. She just wanders off by herself without a care in the world. Definitely my loner chicken who is 3rd in pecking order - quite surprising that she is not the lowest ranking hen in the flock because she is rather gentle.

She let our broody hen’s chick walk all over her and peck at her waddles as she was laying an egg once - she was friendly towards the chick and always has been in the month that it has been with us. Now she has gone broody herself for the first time ever in the year and a half we’ve had her.

She was a late bloomer in laying eggs though - she was close to a year or a little over a year when she started laying light brown eggs that are decent sized.
Pros: Decent layer
Puppy dog personality
Very sweet (gentle giant)
Cons: None
We have one black Langshan and she is definitely by far my favorite. She is very large at least 10-12lbs, but she is so nice to all the other hens and never bullies them even though shes the biggest. Very loud and vocal about getting what she wants when she wants. Has to be hand fed because the stuff on the ground is not good enough lol. (someones been very spoiled) She lays a medium sized light to dark brown egg 3-4 times a week. Never gone broody, but that's okay with me. Will follow me around looking for handouts and always comes running as soon as I call her. I would recommend this breed to anyone and am looking forward to getting a few chicks out of her sometime soon.
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Pros: Broody, excellent mom
Cons: Skittish
I only have one Langshan hen. Mine is extremely skittish, but to be fair I bought her as a pullet and I dont handle her very often. I've had her for about 1 1/2 years now and she is still skittish. She doesn't fight or they to get away if I catch her but she is hard to catch. She will take treats from my hand but runs if move. She also bullies the other hens on occasion. On the other hand, she is terrified of roosters and runs like the wind whenever one looks at her. Weirdly, when she is broody she is friendly. She has hatched and raised chicks for me and was an excellent mother. She goes broody about 3 times a year and is hard to break.
Her best selling points are that she is stunningly beautiful, is a reliable broody, and lays a nice pinkish, large egg 4 to 5 times a week (when not broody).
All in all, I would buy langshan chicks if I had the chance.
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Did they ship eggs overseas to you? I tried to see where they said the birds were imported from overseas and couldn't find it on the website? Their Partridge Wyandottes are pretty. Thanks for giving others a lead!
Sooo, where did you get yor whites? I am trying to find more of them but they are so hard to locate. Any help is appreciated-we LOVE our White Lanshans, definitely one of our favorite chickens-and we have a lot of varieties.
Forrest was my neighbor when I was growing up. Sadly I was not interested in chickens until now. He was a very good man and good neighbor and he was a large asset to the community.
My opinion? You have the right bird in your avatar for any coming 'apocalypse'. Excellent layers of large to extra large eggs and will go broody in a heart beat. lol

Keep the Naked Necks, buy a 15 or 25 Austra-Whites to cross for hybrid vigor and you'd be set for 50 years, living off the grid. As always...simply my humble opinion.
Almost poetic. Ode to the pedestrian in us all. very good review...Thank you for such a wonderful read! can't help but wonder about the 'price paid'. Just how many fowl did you get for that amount?

Thanks again.
Ah, I look a little closer...The review was posted 7/25/12 and you seemed to have purchased the bird(s) 7/24/12.

What divine insight you must have to be able to foresee such remarkable details!

I am mystified. Thank you again.
We have a splash langshan that is easily our most beautiful bird. She is not particularly friendly but is rather easily handled when she goes broody. To be fair, we purchased her as an adult and suspect she wasn't handled much like the majority of our girls so the contrast is somewhat stark. We have a particularly friendly flock mostly due to our boys handling our chicks ALOT and my hand feeding them. It's like a mini stampede when we call. That being said, her eggs are large and lovely and she adds a regal flair to our flock.

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Chicken Breeds
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4.52 star(s) 21 ratings

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