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  1. quackkquack__

    can a 2 week old duckling go with a 5 day old duckling?

    So we have a solo duckling and we know someone selling ducklings but the youngest they have is 2 weeks. Would it be okay to have a 5-day old duckling with 2 week old ducklings? Or should I just raise her solo and buy eggs instead ^^'
  2. quackkquack__

    what color could this call duckling be?!

    So my first call duckling of 2024 has hatched!! She hatched last night, not even a day old yet!! Her name is Lamb :) She came from a seller on eBay who has two penciled, one white, one dark silver, one chocolate, one grey and one black bibbed!! I was wondering what she could end up looking like...
  3. quackkquack__

    Splayed leg?

    Welp I'm back again Baby seems to be keeping her legs far apart, dunno if it's cause she just hatched and is getting used to everything OR if she has spayed leg but please help!! I have school tomorrow at 6:30am and I need to know if I need to help her :(
  4. quackkquack__

    small yolk - will baby be okay?

    Gosh I feel like I'm on here posting every second! So our first call baby of 2024 has hatched!! She hatched relatively quickly, really wanted out of that egg. But she does have a small yolk (she already pushed herself out of the egg) attached to her. Pictures are below. She's resting atm so will...
  5. quackkquack__

    Baby!! How long can it stay in the incubator?

    My duckling is about almost hatched!! It has zipped and trying to get out :) I will post pics when it fully hatches but I was wondering how long is too long for a duckling to stay in the incubator? It's a small incubator, 3 other eggs, and I don't want baby to get dehydrated. I have school...
  6. quackkquack__

    call duck egg - day 30 no internal pip

    Hi again I have 4 call duck eggs on day 30 (although 2 of them were a bit behind so I'm not too worried about them not internally pipping yet) I have one egg (egg 7) that was fully developed by day 23 and has been trying to internally pip for the past 3-4 days. I just candled it earlier and it...
  7. quackkquack__

    Should I put this duckling in the brooder or wait?

    Hi so I have one duckling in the process of hatching while the other 3 eggs haven't made an internal pip yet (though 2 of them are trying). Once the duckling hatches and dries off, should I leave it in the incubator and wait for the others to hatch or put it in the brooder?
  8. quackkquack__

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    Back again (lol) because I have a few questions. I have 4 call duck eggs (4, 6, 7 and 8). 4 and 7 have been in lockdown since May 22nd (day 23) and 6 and 8 went into lockdown yesterday (day 26) The following video is a video of egg 4 trying to internally pip. Both egg 4 and 7 have looked like...
  9. quackkquack__

    How to know if a duckling is shrink wrapped without internal pip

    I was wondering how to know if a duckling is shrink wrapped without an internal pip. I've had to assist a shrink wrapped duckling without an internal pip before and she hatched fine but I don't remember how I knew she was shrink wrapped so I was wondering how to know so I can keep an eye out...
  10. quackkquack__

    Help! call duckling - no internal pip, should I assist soon?

    I have had two call duck eggs in lockdown for three days (put in lockdown on day 23, its now day 26) neither of them have internally pipped but are still quite active, rocking around sometimes, especially when I play duckling noises. If neither of them have internally pipped by tomorrow morning...
  11. quackkquack__

    Do I assist or wait?

    Hi so I've had two call ducklings in lockdown for 3 days (they went in lockdown May 22nd which was day 23 for them, they are now on day 26) and they've been active, rocking back and forth sometimes and I candled and they seem to be trying to make an internal pip (I can see a small shadow trying...
  12. quackkquack__

    Duck eggs with different stages of incubation - when to stop turning

    Since I didn't get any responses on my other thread I decided to make a new one, sorry if I'm not supposed to do that but I really need answers ^^' I put four call duck eggs in the incubator April 29th (at the same time) but they have different stages of incubation. Egg 4 and 7 are practically...
  13. quackkquack__

    Incubating duck eggs with different stages of incubation

    Hi again!! So I have 4 call duck eggs in the incubation, they were all put in at the same time, April 29th. Even though they were put in at the same time, they started developing at different times. By day 3, I could see a small formation of a heart in eggs 4 and 8. By around day 4 or 5, I could...
  14. quackkquack__

    Did this egg die?

    Hi so I bought some call duck eggs off of Ebay. So far, 5 out of the 6 that made it have ducklings growing. They all seem to be doing fine besides egg 5. Egg 5 had a detached aircell but was growing fine, they are all on day 13 now and I just candled egg 5, the duckling is no longer moving and I...
  15. quackkquack__

    Duck Egg - Floating Bubble

    Hii so I bought 14 call duck eggs off of Ebay! 5 of them definitely have a duckling growing in them! Although I do have a slight concern. A few of them came with these floating bubbles inside the egg, so when you rotate the egg, the bubble would move. Egg 3 and Egg 5 both have one of those...
  16. quackkquack__

    Call Ducks - what colors could I end up with?

    Hi! I'm hatching call ducks again this year and I bought 12 eggs from a seller off of Ebay. I'm all for surprises but I'm also curious on what colors I could end up with! From the pictures and the description of the item on Ebay, they have one penciled male, one white male, female black bibbed...
  17. quackkquack__

    Duck bleeding

    Hey so I went to go feed my ducks and I noticed Buzzard's wing was bleeding (where his angel wing is) it's not that bad and I'm cleaning him up at the moment but I was wondering what could I put on it for pain relief? I'm not sure if hes in pain but just in case I wanted to give him something...
  18. quackkquack__

    Pike laid eggs!!

    So my call girl, Pike Laid 9 eggs!! She had been acting differently, she was usually separated from the flock, scavenging on her own, laying on her own, etc. although the others still provided her company every now and then, she just seemed like she wanted to be alone. I went down there today...
  19. quackkquack__

    is my drake influencing his son?

    So I'm back with Buzzard.. ever since his mate, Newt died, hes grown very protective of his kids, Fawn, Pike and Tokki. He didn't attack me as much as he used to but he started back up but its been off and on, I usually don't get attacked unless my hands are near him, he just runs up to me and...
  20. quackkquack__

    Is it possible and okay to incubate duck eggs from the refrigerator?

    Hi! This is probably a dumb question but I'm curious I still have some of Newt's fertile eggs and we weren't planning on hatching any more of her eggs so we stored them in the fridge I heard people store their eggs up to 24 hours in the freezer before hatching them (when shipped) So basically I...
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