Call Ducks - what colors could I end up with?


Jun 30, 2022
North Coralina
Hi! I'm hatching call ducks again this year and I bought 12 eggs from a seller off of Ebay.
I'm all for surprises but I'm also curious on what colors I could end up with!
From the pictures and the description of the item on Ebay, they have one penciled male, one white male, female black bibbed, female penciled, a dark silver female, a chocolate female and a grey female.
What type of colors could I end up with?
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With that mix you could get almost anything. White is an allele for no color to be put in the feathers. But, a white duck can be carrying any other color in it's DNA and pass this to it's offspring. Also, many traits are recessive and can hide such as Snowy, Light, Dusky, and recessive bibbing. If both parents carry it, even if they do not show it, their offspring could have it (although the probability is only 1 out of every 4). But, since one male is penciled, at least half of his offspring should also be penciled. At least half of the offspring of the black female and chocolate female should be black or chocolate. So, I would guess that you are more likely to get more that show those traits.

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