black copper maran

  1. Radrussie

    Olive egger breeding / rainbow eggs

    So I have been waiting ages for my new laying hen yo start laying. Have found 1 or 2 eggs in the past but today stumbled on the mother load . these eggs are from the offspring of my green egg layers over my BCM rooster. I was worried about the genetics of the BCM but seems to be doing the...
  2. J

    Black Copper Maran Roosters - 6 Weeks Old

    I have a total of 4 six week old pure BCM Roos available and up for discussion. Located in PA 19063
  3. J

    Black Copper Marans - hen or roo???

    I hatched 5 BCM chicks they are 5.5 weeks old and I cannot tell the hens from the Roos please help! CHICK 1 CHICK 2 CHICK 3 CHICK 4 CHICK 5
  4. GlicksChicks

    Copper, First Time Mama Hen Raise-Along

    Hello to everyone who is reading this, I hope you are having a great day! For over a month now I have had a broody hen, a BCM named Copper. She has been really devoted to laying on her eggs, but my hens all fight over one nesting box even though they have 3 identical ones, so she lets them lay...
  5. C

    New and need help!

    Hey everyone! Im excited to join this group. I currently have 19 chickens. I bought a 13 week old black copper maran yesterday and she had the chicken in a box ready for pickup so I didn't really get a good look at the feathers until today and now I'm worried it could be a rooster! What do yaal...
  6. B

    BCM mix pullets or cockerels

    Hi, i have a pair of Black copper marans but i dont think they are pure. I would just like a few suggestions on trying to identify the sexe of these chicks! They are between 8 and 9 weeks old Thanks! 1st 2nd Both
  7. S

    Black copper Marans feathering

    I have 5 BCM chicks. 2 are 7 weeks and 3 are 6 weeks. The 2 oldest chicks are roosters but I can’t tell with the younger three. One has copper feathering coming through around its neck but the comb is a light color and no waddles. There is a huge difference between the older two and the younger...
  8. cluck queen

    What are we? Feather legged purebred something from TSC.

    I bought this guy from tsc. Not sure if he was an andalusian or black copper maran but I swear I bought him as a black copper maran. Attached is another rooster I was gifted. Not sure what he is either. And he also has feathered legs. What are they lol the last one I believe Is a giant hen. She...
  9. cluck queen

    Black copper maran roo x RIR

    I've ordered 1 maran roo and 25 rir to just have a fun experiment 😀. I'm looking to breed a more frequent layer of dark brown eggs. I know some have done this but I'm curious about egg color. Does anyone have any photos?
  10. M

    5 week old black copper & wheaten maran

    Are they cockerels 😭
  11. C

    Maui: Looking for Black Copper Maran Chicks

    Aloha, I am in search of some quality Black Copper Maran chicks. I currently live on Maui and I’m looking for a breeder willing to ship day old chicks to me. Due to the Maui Wildfires, I lost my Maran flock that was established 8 years ago from chicks that I found on this forum. I can’t...
  12. T

    Is this a true Copper Maran?

    I hatched a BCM from an egg, which was a coppery colour, but this little things has a lot of white on them. Is this still considered a BCM or have I been played?
  13. L

    Black copper Maran… Pretty sure it’s a roo. Please prove me wrong.

    Purchased as a pullet. But crazy large feet and legs I think she may be a he. 🫤
  14. J


    8 week old “black copper marans” from TSC. The one on the left definitely appears to be. The one on the right has different skin, iridescent black feathers and does not have copper neck feathers. What did I get??
  15. nomadfromcincy

    Sexing 7 week old chicks - Black Copper Marans?

    We have 12 chicks that we sourced straight run from Alchemist Farm. I am going to post them separately so that any experts in each breed can provide guidance. I am pretty sure these are 5 black copper marans. And also looks like we have some roosters. Multiple photos of each and they are...
  16. Azulette

    Weekly Growth

    Hi there! I've much enjoyed stumbling upon threads of weekly chick growth/progression so I figured its finally time to throw my hat in the ring! I purchased all sexed pullets and I'm pretty sure I have 1 or more cockerels on my hands (so it goes). I'm a first time chicken owner in a residential...
  17. S


    I have a Lavender Orpington Roo and a Black Copper Maran hen as well as 2 other lavender Orpington hens. If the Lavender roo mates the black maran hen, what do I end up with?
  18. M

    He or She? Lavender Orpingtons, Black Copper Maran, Buff Orpington

    Hi all, What do you think?? He or she?? There are 2 Lavender Orpingtons, 1 Black Copper maran, and 1 Buff Orpington. They are all the same age, approximately 2 weeks old. The Lavender Orpingtons are pullets, according to my grandma. What do you think about the other two?
  19. C

    Deathlayers & Black Copper Maran Roos for Sale!

    Hi all! I have some roos that I got as part of an order from Greenfire that I need a new home for! They are rare breeds so I would rather rehome them than eat them! I have 1 Gold Deathlayer male, 2 Silver Deathlayer males, and 1 Black Copper Maran male. All of them are in excellent health...
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