
  1. G

    Hen diagnosed with cancer

    Went to the vet today. She felt the inside of her vent and automatically knew she had ovarian cancer. The walls of her insides were bumpy and full of lumps. She couldn’t feel any specifically egg like material and there was no fluid still. I’m heartbroken. She is my most friendly and calm hen...
  2. Emrosenagel

    Does this X-ray look normal?

    hello! My 9 month old bantam has been having problems with her crop and possibly other things. We got an xray yesterday and they saw nothing strange. Today, I went to another vet who actually showed us the xray. She said my hen has a mass in her reproductive organs, possibly a tumor or...
  3. Thechickentrainer1999

    Stomach cancer cure

    Today I had an ultrasound done on my hen and found out she has stomach cancer which they believe has spread from her reproductive system. Does anybody have any remedies or success on treating/curing this? I've read about success in humans from baking soda water, and some from fenbendazole, but...
  4. C


    Hello I am new to this forum but I have been reading posts and articles in the past couple months since getting my new flock of chickens. I really need help trying to diagnose what is going on with my sick chicken! To make a long story short. A few months ago I got six new hens I am new to being...
  5. WARosie

    Cull? Found mass under roost bar this morning

    Warning, gross photo. Background: My big Marans was doing the crop dance back in June, so I treated her for impacted crop. It only went down so far and a mass wouldn’t go away. So then I started thinking maybe she has a tumor. After 2.5 or 3 weeks in a crate I put her back into the chicken...
  6. mf1sh

    Skin cancer? External Marek’s tumors?

    My poor hen started developing some patches on her comb about 8 weeks ago. It initially looked like fowlpox which I’ve had in my flock in the past, so I treated with iodine daily. Unfortunately the patches continued to grow and now look like tumors. They’re hard and not full of pus. I feel so...
  7. C

    Large cyst on chicken thigh

    Does anybody know what this is? I noticed one morning that my chicken was using her wing to move around. I picked her up and saw her leg was completely limp. She uses the joint to move around. I separated her and once I examined her I found this. They have been closed up in the coop for 2 days...
  8. McCarter Farm

    Massive Tumor.. what was it? (Graphic)

    On Sunday I noticed one of my barnyard mix hens feathers were hanging down her leg. She was eating and otherwise seemed fine. I couldn’t catch her and get a better look until yesterday. When I went to check on her I did notice that there was a huge lump/tumor hanging down. (From one side of her...
  9. Thechickentrainer1999

    Cure for Chicken cancer?

    Does anyone have any success at treating/curing cancer in chickens? I was told mine has it and she has lost all movement in her legs. Has been in a sling for the last few weeks. She seems to keep getting worse and I'm trying to do everything I can to slow/stop it. Have been giving her alkaline...
  10. R

    *WARNING GROSS* Quail with kidney stones or cancer?

    Can quail get kidney stones or cancer? My ~1.5 year old Coturnix quail developed an enormous lump right above her tail, near her oil gland last week. I brought her in to isolate her in case it was infectious. The lump continued to grow and it looked like some bodily fluid eventually went to her...
  11. Durelle

    Canerous tumors

    I had a 3 year old silkie hen who appeared lethargic before the weekend but was still eating and free ranging. She was just slow moving. I had given her a warm Epsom bath and vitamins. That seemed to perk her up. Monday, she was off again. This time I noticed her squishy belly when I...
  12. E

    Open mouth breathing - flu? Video *update* - vet dx airsacculitis/pneumonia can we treat with antibiotics?

    My 2 year old faverolle suddenly started having respiratory issues today. She seemed fine in the morning, and then had a sudden cough/hacking attack followed by gurgling breathing. It was so startling I picked her up and rushed her to some water because I thought she might be choking, which she...
  13. M

    Unknown growth on the inside of chicken leg

    My favorite, sweetest 2-year-old Barred Plymouth Rock lady has a growth on her inner right thigh. If anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear them. If it’s benign and there’s something I can do to help heal, or if it’s lethal and I need to do the most humane thing… The lump was first noticed...
  14. Wild-Turkey

    Severe Salpingitis, Possible Reproductive Cancer? (GRAPHIC NECROPSY PHOTOS)

    Our Salmon Faverolle hen (almost 3 years old) started showing symptoms of an issue a week ago. She stopped eating and drinking, started acting lethargic. She refused to get on the roost at night and acted uncomfortable if put up, but would stay on it. Noticed severe weight loss and head...
  15. M

    2 Year Old Hen with Cancer and Sour Crop

    My 2 year old sapphire gem hen, Goosey, has had many problems this year. In April, we were told by a vet, after removing quite a large amount of ascites fluid from her abdomen, that she most likely has cancer, as well as a broken chest bone that we didn't even notice and have no idea when it...
  16. TheLaboratoryBF

    Pathology Lab Necropsy Report - For Informational Purposes Only

    I am lucky to live very close to one of the only poultry pathology labs in the state of California, so when I lose a bird (which does not happen often, thankfully), I can have a thorough necropsy performed for only $25. I am attaching a recent necropsy report for my oldest hen as I am sure...
  17. K

    Nutrition and Maintenance Care for Sick Chickens.

    Yesterday after 3 hours at the Vet office deliberating between euthanasia and treatment- I chose treatment option with a re-evaluation at the Vet's office in 14 days. Abigail- my 14 month old Australorpe has a distended abdomen and secondary respiratory infection. The x-ray showed masses in...
  18. B

    Cancer in my Flock, Please Help! **GRAPHIC**

    Hello everyone, I am in serious need of help. This month has been absolutely chaotic, and I can't find anything that helps me so I came here to see if anyone knows anything. So, at the beginning of the month, my buff silkie hen named Gabby began to act very strange. This began with her devoting...
  19. dalguiyeowang

    Saying Goodbye and a Learning Experience

    *Edit: it's good to admit when one is wrong. I stand corrected. According to breed information, Australorps can live 6-10 years. I apologize for the incorrect information. All of us on here have lost at least of our chickens. While my story is not unique, I do want to share my experience with...
  20. D

    I dug at this growth... what is this, what should I do?!

    (1.5 weeks ago) I found this "something" on my 2.5 year old chicken's tail next to the oil gland and at first thought it was a tick but it's under the skin and slightly exposed. It's very hard and you can tell it's larger under the skin (like a small iceberg). Any thoughts on what the heck it is...
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