
  1. Quacking ducks

    Can ducks or chickens have chaparral?

    Can ducks or chickens have the herb “Chaparral” ? Thanks
  2. R

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    This is my first time hatching any type of chicks. I have already hatched 7/16 chicks so far and they’re all fine! Now this one pipped last night sometime between 10 and 12, I went to sleep and when I woke up it was a little more open. Now it is nearly 6 and there has been no more movement. I...
  3. R

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    I have already hatched 7 chicks so far and they’re all fine! Now this one pipped last night sometime between 10 and 12, I went to sleep and when I woke up it is not a little more open. Now it is nearly 6 and there has been no more movement. I took most chicks out and put them in the brooder a...
  4. Quacking ducks

    Why is my chicken getting sour crop?

    I have one hen that keeps developing sour crop, but I can’t figure out why I have 6 other hens, and they have never gotten it and this is the second time my chicken “Snuggles” has gotten it. Why is it only Snuggle getting it? How do I prevent it? Thank you
  5. K

    Rooster lethargic - please help!!!!

    Hi there, My Silkie 2yr old rooster has been very lethargic this morning. I treated the flock with amperol these past 5 days, but found out my hen who was sick actually had a prolapsed vent and I think coccidiosis wasn’t the problem. I changed out the water to regular and added nutridense to it...
  6. Chickensrule69

    Hey I have a question on my silkies eggs

    So I don’t know how long my silkie (lemon is her name) has been broody but I have been candling her eggs and to me they look fine but idk they’re are some what different she has been broody before but the difference in these eggs is that I can candle them from both sides idk if that’s normal...
  7. chickengirl1278

    Cuckoo Faverolles? I can't find them anywhere! help!

    I recently discovered faverolle chickens and all the different kinds. After looking at the different color varieties, I was especially drawn to the cuckoo faverolles and have been considering buying some. I ran into a problem though---NO ONE (that I can find) is selling them! I've looked at...
  8. briannamonique16

    5 Week old; Rooster or Hen?

    Hi, first time chicken owner here. We got 8 chickens right now and this is the only one that has a red coloring to it’s comb already. It’s also supposed to be an olive Egger. About 5 weeks old. Any guesses?
  9. Alpine Bobwhite

    What would you say are the BEST tempered, GOOD laying, NICE looking hens?

    Which sorts of chicken would you say have a nice temperament, are good layers and look nice. I saw that leghorns look nice and lay about 300 eggs per year, but can be unfriendly, what would you say? If they are raised from chicks, will they be friendly? :jumpy
  10. B_o

    What are these?

    Hi i have an EE who has some welts i guess on her leg, they have a texture of a minor burn. I know its not an actual burn because we dont have any live heat sources at the moment. I was wondering if anyone knew what they are
  11. Countryhippie

    Molting Hen in -10 degree weather (should I bring her in)

    Hello everyone, I am from Central Massachusetts and I have 4 hens that are about one and a half years old. I have my hens in a large over ez chicken coop, it’s been altered to have more ventilation at the top. The coop normally only stays about 5-10 degrees warmer than outside in the winter...
  12. FarmrGirl

    ISO NN Turkens

    Looking for full sized NN Turken eggs to ship to Maryland. A diversity of plumage color is great but black or blue would get me off to a good start. If you're interested in a swap I have lots of heritage/rare chickens, ducks, turkey's, and geese. Thanks!
  13. B

    Chicken love and chicken sadness

    Hi, I'm Belila, and I have had chickens since Mother's Day of 2022. I didn't plan on being a chicken mom, but after a bit of a shock, I accepted the surprise gift from my kids. I went in pretty unprepared! My kids are older, two away at college now and one finishing high school (the human kids...
  14. Quacking ducks

    why do my chickens have runny noses and eating their straw bedding?

    Hi, The last couple weeks I have noticed that some of my chickens and ducks have had runny noses and have also been eating their straw bedding. what causes them to have runny noses? what can I do to help them? why are they wanting to eat their straw bedding? they can't be hungry because there is...
  15. A

    When is day 18???

    Hello so this is my first time incubating eggs and I know that it is one day after you set them in the incubator until it is day 1. I just overthink a lot and don’t know if it is tommorow at 12:00 am or Sunday at 12:00 am, but I put them in the incubator on day January 9, 12:00 am so I just...
  16. horsegirlll

    chicken cloaca covered, maggot infested! help!

    whole story: i brought my chicken up to the house last night since she was laying on the ground in the coop in her own poo, she couldn’t get up. i cut some of the feathers off near her bum since they were covered in faeces and noticed a dark spot. i didn’t have time to do anything, so i put her...
  17. Psychofeatherlover

    My sapphire gem

    Sunflower is being so sweet. 🥰😍
  18. M

    Gender and Breeds

    Hi all, I have an arrange of teenage chickens atm, no idea on the breed or gender of most. Each picture is one individual chicken Any help is greatly appreciated thanks.
  19. Quacking ducks

    Is my chicken hen sick?

    Hi, this morning I noticed 1 of my chicken’s wasn’t acting right. She was sitting a lot and not moving very much, she’s not really drinking anything and her crop is full. I isolated her this afternoon with water and no food for a few hours and her crop was still full. Is she sick? What’s wrong...
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