duck adivice

  1. M

    Candling eggs in duck nest

    I have a young Blue Swedish Duck laying on about 14 eggs. Some are dated may 3 as I put them out to encourage her to sit on them and lay more to sit on. Big mistake I'm sure. Any way I have candles a few here and they're and put them back in the last couple of weeks here and there. It's...
  2. D

    Sick Duck, dont know what to do for her

    Hey there, I have a female buff duck, almost 2 years old, who recently has started acting strange. We first noticed that when the flock would venture to the neighbors yard she would stop walking, drop her wings and wanted to be carried back to our yard. This is very unusual as our ducks do not...
  3. M

    Male ducks doesn't finish mating

    Good evening all, I have two male ducks and one has recently been overthroned by the other and chased around by the other make (there are plenty of females to go around). I've noticed that recently when he is able to get hold of a female duck, he starts his business, but doesn't finish. This...
  4. DuckDuckles

    Why is my ducks bill bleeding

    So, I let my ducks out this morning and one of my ducks looks really raggity and seems to have a scab or something on her bill. I have no idea when happened. She is the only one like this and as far as I can tell she is still acting fine. I put the ducks a way in the dark the night before so I...
  5. A

    Help please. Duck with egg broken inside

    It look like one of my duck my have a broken egg inside of her. I walked outside and noticed she had just pooped and it looks like there yolk around it and coming out of her bottom. She pooped again after and looked like egg white dripping. I don’t see any shell at all. When I let her out this...
  6. Fangeddeer

    Ducks are great teachers.

    Found out that my friendly drake is a great teacher. My rescue needed to learn leash manners (they have a setup for the delta / 30ft rope, leash, one attachment 2 sided leash and a surf board for when they want a break). The rescue was originally not going to have this but she kept going too...
  7. R

    Runner Duck acting strange

    I have a white female runner duck who is about 3 years old. Normally well in herself. She is eating and drinking normally. Has lost no weight. But is unsteady on her feet, staying in her bedding/nest area lot, not really going to her pond much to swim. Her male partner duck is completely fine...
  8. S

    Duck I.D Please

    Duck this mystery duck showed up in our yard a few days ago and I can seem to figure out what it is or the gender. About the size of my female muscovies, and they are not a fan of the new one. The new one has a bit more of a true quack but is pretty quiet overall. Any help appreciated!
  9. C

    Need help with first time mama duck

    I posted this in the incubating and hatching eggs but didn’t get much of a response. My anacona became a first time mom yesterday hatching out 3 beautiful baby ducklings. To keep the babies safe I closed off her part of the run from the rest of the flock a few days prior to hatching. She...
  10. rakeshkarthik

    Indian Runner Duck _ She is trying to push something

    Hi everyone, I am reaching out from Indonesia regarding a situation with my three-month-old Indian runner ducks, consisting of one male and two females. Recently, I have noticed some unusual behavior from one of the female ducks (white and brown in the middle). She occasionally leans...
  11. curlyhairedwhit

    Wanna guess breeds?! 👀

    We picked up 8 sweeties from an assorted box today from the hardware store! Our flock died along with our pet mini pig and dog in an awful wild fire 5 years ago.. I’m just now ready to get back into it after such a tragedy.. My uneducated guesses lol 1 - Khaki Campbell, it’s a week old. 1 -...
  12. L

    sick duckling??

    hello all this morning I woke up and found my crested pekin duckling going in circles with clenched feet and shaking of the head and seems to cry out in pain while doing so... after a few mins of doing this it is all of a sudden fine.. should I be worried and take them to my emergency vet??
  13. N

    My duck lost her voice?

    Hello, I'm new to owning a duck and shes a few weeks away from being 1 year old. She suddenly lost her voice yesterday within about 2-4 hours since my dad gets up around 5-6 a.m. and she was quacking at him then, but after I got up to see her at around 7-8 a.m. she didn't make a sound. She tries...
  14. Barredrockmama1

    New duck mom

    Hello everyone, We have 10 full grown barred rocks and just recently bought 3 baby ducks, I'm a new duck mom and would like to know any advice, of things I should know about raising baby ducks, I'm thinking it's pretty straight forwards or similar to chicks, but not sure when we will need to...
  15. M

    How to enable my duck to hatch a few eggs...?

    Hi - I've had feral ducks for 10 years but now am trying with domestic. Due to fox and mink my tiny flock was down to one white campbell who has never laid an egg for me (she is 3 years old, a lockdown rescue, I'm told she laid in the past but infrequently). A week ago I acquired a Cayuga...
  16. duckduckgose

    ducks having eye problems!

    hi all, so I'm in New Zealand I keep a largeish flock of ducks, many 20 or so, and recently I've had a couple get something wrong with their eyes the first one over a month ago, who is largely recovered now although it appears to have left her blind in one eye. and a new one in the last week or...
  17. pigeonpuddle

    Aggressive ducks + outcasting

    recently one of my ducks passed away from a raccoon. she was the boss, everyone respected her. she and my 2 other ducks were raised together and were best friends (a buff orpington, blue runner and welsh harlequin). i hatched 5 new ducks and they were very aggressive to my other 3 as early as...
  18. AnimeDuck57

    Help me pls

    Ok, so I just got a new duck named Nugget. She's a mix of a Mallard and another breed of duck I can't remember. She's about half grown and has most of her feathers. She isn't able to just sit on the water yet. I wasn't able to bring one of her siblings with me home, and my mom won't let me get...
  19. Hball

    Breed ID

    First photo of ducklings in blue pool: I’m picking up these two cuties tomorrow to go with my 4.5 week old saxony, Rouen, and mystery ducks! I’m thinking the brownish one may be a khaki Campbell and not sure on the black one? Can someone help me ID? Other photos: I have posted pics of my...
  20. C

    Can I use this?

    Sooo I go through some brewers yeast. I have a hard time finding it locally in anything bigger than a jar and the traditional web sites don’t sell it bigger than a 5 pound bag. Has anyone ever heard of these brands? Or have any suggestions and where to buy it in bulk? I’m posting pictures below...
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