egg colors

  1. R

    Bielefelder rooster over Ameraucana hens?

    Hi, first time posting and first time hatching incubated eggs from my 3 Ameraucana hens and my Bielefelder rooster. They started hatching this morning, and I’m hoping to get about 10 of them. My questions are: A, can I expect them to be auto sexing? And B, anyone has any photos they can share of...
  2. Z

    Having fun with egg color genetics!

    Hello everyone! I never knew how deep into genetics you can dive when you start breeding and cross breeding to get fun variances! We have a mix of egg colors coming up in our flock and I’m looking for some help in better understanding the possible outcomes, and corrections on any wrong...
  3. Cloverr39

    Are my silkie's eggs too dark for a silkie?

    Silkie eggs are supposed to be white or cream according to the standard of perfection. My growout pullets just started laying and the eggs look a bit too dark for a silkie to me. What do we think? Now I'm not sure if the girls laying these are my own bred girls or the ones I bought as hatching...
  4. C

    Egg colors

    I believe my chickens are all mixed breeds. I purchased them from a feed store. Is there a way to know what color the egg will be? Hoping for a variety of colors🤞
  5. D

    Someone laid this purple-pink egg... Of these 4 breeds who do you think it was?

    Hi! A few new someones are laying in my flock. aWe have 3 currently laying pretty routinely (the light and dark green eggs) but trying to guess who these recent egg colors belong too - the light brown orange ish and the purple pink. Of the 5 newest to be laying include these breeds:  Sapphire...
  6. Jules0890

    Before I lose my mind. Breed questions.

    Hello! First time posting here, but long time lurker. I just joined today, but have really found this place very helpful in google searches 😆 So, a random man was selling chickens and guineas in a parking lot and of course I stopped and bought them. 😆 I have buff orpingtons, leghorns, a...
  7. E

    How likely is an Easter egger to lay brown eggs?

    I'd like to have 3 chickens total so that when the girls production slows down I have room for more. I'm getting a copper Marans, a production blue and an Easter egger. What are the chances the Easter egger lays brown eggs? Someone said try to get one with blue/green/grey legs, is that true...
  8. L

    What color eggs might I get?

    What color eggs might I get if I breed and Easter Egger Rooster with an Easter Egger hen who lays green eggs? Is there any chance for their offspring to lay blue eggs, or would brown or green be more likely?
  9. Beccazon

    Speckled eggs :)

    One of my girls...I suspect one of the Brahmas...has been laying these beautiful speckled eggs this week. Do each chickens egg pigments change over time? So far each hen is consistently laying their own color so I know who's is who's which is why I suspect the brahma but not caught her in the...
  10. R

    Easter Egger Egg Color Help

    Hello. I am interested in getting Favaucanas, which are Easter Eggers made from a cross between a Faverolles and an Ameraucana. My Pet Chicken says this about their offerings: "Because our BBS Favaucanas are F1 (first generation), there is a 1/16 chance that your Favaucana will not lay a green...
  11. Magpyeone

    Wellsummer eggs lost their speckles...?

    Hi, we’ve been enjoying the beautiful speckled eggs our Wellsummer (Ginger) has been laying since about October; however, recently the eggs have been a slightly lighter brown, with no speckles (kind of hard to see in the pics, but on the left are older eggs from a couple of weeks ago and the...
  12. Eelantha

    A Chicken Breed for Each Egg Color? (Is that possible?)

    One of my many rookie dreams is to have a colorful egg basket to admire whenever I go visit the nesting boxes of my chicken shed. I have in mind nice, calm, cold hardy breeds that lay a minimum of 150 eggs/year, and are preferably equipped with pea, rose, cushion or walnut combs to repel...
  13. hwrights04

    My Easter Egger laid a different colored egg that usual?!?

    This morning I went out to collect any eggs and one of my Easter Eggers “Nosey Rosie” was in the nest box. So I let her be and came back out when I heard her announcing she laid. To my surprise, I opened the nest box to find a lavender egg (one of far right in pic)! She’s always laid green eggs...
  14. Tiffanydinatale

    Easter Egger and Ayam Cemani mix

    hello! I just completed my first hatch! We had a 98% hatch rate! My question is... We hatched some EE/Ayam Cemani chicks ( mom is EE and dad is Cemani) Would the proper breed name be Fibro Easter Eggers? Has anyone hatched these? What color eggs have you gotten from them? Thanks in advance!!
  15. S

    Welsummer or Cuckoo Maran

    So I currently have a Welsummer and a Cuckoo Maran (both from a hatchery) who recently have started laying. From what I have read both should lay dark brown eggs. According to the hatchery I got them from “Marans lay the darkest eggs of any breed“ and Welsummer are know for “the production of...
  16. IMG_1627


    Love the colors of eggs my hens lay
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