fake eggs

  1. Jester57

    Replacing fake eggs with hatching eggs

    Never having done this before, I thought it best to ask before I actually do it. I've got a broody hen who I've had sitting on fake eggs because she decided to go broody in the coop right in front of the egg boxes, and she kept swiping eggs the other chickens laid to brood over. Right now, she...
  2. katie_94

    Besides fake eggs and golf balls, what else have you used that worked to prevent a nesting box war?

    I'm trying to deter my girls from favoring one nesting box and I've read that this can be prevented using fake/ceramic eggs or golf balls but I have neither! If I don't have to buy some, what else can be used that is just as effective? That's if I have it readily available lol. If I don't, I'd...
  3. B

    Making hen go broody

    So my only hen(vanaraja from breed) is very lonely. I have a few fertilized eggs and during lockdown i couldn't find another chicken. So i decided to keep the fertilized chicken into her nest. But she broke one. So i further decided to put fake eggs into her nest. How much time would if take for...
  4. 5

    Hen was broody for 1 day?

    1 of my GLW hens went broody and sat on nothing for 24 hours because I took 3 eggs out from under her, tonight she is back on the perch with the rest. I was hoping to place fertile eggs under her tomorrow but dont know that I should trust her now? Did removing the eggs take her off the brood?
  5. T

    Hens eating eggs, is mustard good enough?

    My hens have begun eating their eggs, it all started with one and they have all begun doing it. Its been about 3 days give or take since they started. I poured out the contents of eggs I have and fill it with mustard. I put these fake eggs in the chicken pen and they did peck it. Some of them...
  6. Nest Boxes 101

    Nest Boxes 101

    Roosters crow but the hen delivers, eggs that is! Nest boxes sure can make our lives easier when it comes to collecting eggs. Egg hunting can be fun once a year at Easter time but who wants to go digging around on a daily basis in corners of the coop and bedding, outside under every bush, or...
  7. ChickenMama0330

    When should I take golf balls out of nesting box

    Hi All! I have one hen (Nutmeg) laying and 5 other hens that are not laying yet. i have three golf balls in the nesting box to teach them where to lay. Nutmeg lays right by them. When shoud I take the golf balls out? When the other chickens start laying? Any advice?
  8. Chook to chook

    Retriever may have eaten fake eggs!

    Ok, so here is the scenario... Our chickens free range and decided to make a nest in the brush outside. We discovered it and took the eggs but replaced them with two fake eggs hoping they would continue to lay there and not find new place that we might not find. We live in the mountains /...
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