
  1. A

    I only have one duckling what should I do!?

    Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch...
  2. N

    HELP hatching duck eggs need help determining age

    hello i recently found duck eggs in my yard theres 7 eggs all are moving but im not sure how old they are if you hsve any tips about hatching ducklings and taking care of them please lmk and if u know how old they are i would appreciate it thank u!
  3. S

    Emergency incubation?

    One of my hens nested under our shed. A week ago, April 1st, one egg hatched and while I was fixing the brooder, a crow took the chick. My hen went back on her nest and has been there since. This morning I noticed too many feathers and saw something took my hen right off her nest. The rest of...
  4. S

    Nurture Right 360 High Humidity

    I just got a Nurture Right 36O. I followed the instructions to a T but as soon as I turned it on it’s saying 99% humidity. I want to make sure everything is working correctly before I put eggs in it. Will the humidity go down or is there something I need to do to fix it?
  5. R

    Egg candling day 5.. how does it look?

    Hello! I am brand new to hatching eggs using an incubator. I have hatched some previously under a broody hen (which I never candled) but this is my first time using an incubator. Does this duck egg look good to you so far? It’s been almost 5 days in the incubator and they all look similar...
  6. O

    Duck eggs day 26 pipped

    I started with 9 eggs in the incubator on September 24 when I candled them 2 had started forming but died at some point, 2 were infertile, and one had a chip in it. The other 4 are still going strong! Day 26 today 3 of them have external pipped and I can't tell if the fourth one has. Over night...
  7. T

    One out of 2 eggs hatched so far what should I do?

    Hello, I started out incubating 6 silkie eggs but only 2 developed at all. Now only one has hatched and the other hasn’t shown any signs of hatching. My local feed store has some buff orphington chicks but they will probably sell out very soon. Should I go ahead and buy some more chicks or wait...
  8. Q

    Building A Heated/Cooled Incubator

    I am new to incubating coturnix quail eggs. I have been incubating them in a non-insulated shop. At first the eggs seemed to be doing OK, but I had to adjust several things such as the temperatures that I stored the eggs at before I placed them in the incubator. Now my biggest problem is that...
  9. G

    Broody hen left her eggs after one night

    Hi! I had a broody hen so I gave her 7 eggs to sit on. She sat on them for one night and this morning it looks like she doesn’t want to be a momma anymore. I can’t get an incubator until tomorrow, do you think they will be okay for a night? And how should I store them if so? Thank you!!
  10. J

    What is your method for incubation?

    This is our 3rd time hatching eggs. The first 2 times were much more successful than this last time. The first 2 times I quickly pulled the chicks out after they hatched. I was worried about the chicks bumping the other eggs around and delaying them or causing them to not hatch. I understand...
  11. AGDependentFarm

    January Hatching Coturnix Quail

    I spend most of my time in the Quail forums and forget to come over here. We Incubated 120 of our quail eggs. We were excited as we have bought the last 2 sets of 120 eggs from Myshire Farms. This set was completely from our adult birds. We laid down 120 eggs and only candled on lockdown day. we...
  12. Dfarago

    What happened to my eggs?

    I got an incubator to hatch out my Jersey Giant eggs. First time using an incubator. Out of 11 eggs 6 seem to not be doing anything (maybe infertile). 4 we’re developing then all the blood vessels seemed to detach and pool in the same spot. And one is maybe coming along properly. I have pictures...
  13. Dfarago

    Incubating with multiple hens

    I have two jersey giant hens and an evil rooster. Last clutch we had he murdered several chicks before I could intervene (they were new for us and I didn’t realize he would be so aggressive with his own chicks. please don’t judge too harshly 😭) so we got an incubator. So I’m wondering, since...
  14. AshleyNicole06

    Incubator help!

    Having a few issues! I need help on the incubator instructions! I've hatched eggs in an incubator before but I can't remember the settings! Help please! :) TIA!
  15. K

    Dark spot on egg day 23

    Hi everyone! This is my first hatch and I used an incubator. I have one egg that hasn't hatched. It's day 23 and no pips either but has a dark spot developing on the shell. I thought it was going to explode because it has white stuff on it (turned out to be poop from the other chicks). We did...
  16. CallDuckLover01

    Dry hatching

    Hi, I have call ducks and I’m trying to hatch eggs in my incubator but not having good results. I’ve never done a dry hatch before. Would a dry hatch work with call duck eggs? If so could someone please explain to me how to do a dry hatch. Thank you
  17. Jrbd82

    Have I Caused Shrink wrapping??

    OK so I am hatching a batch of socks and eggs. This hatch seems different than any hatch I’ve had before as a bunch of shell got knocked off and the membrane was showing and it looked pretty solid and dry. I ended up opening the incubator with 10 other eggs already picked to look at this egg...
  18. Ted88

    Hello I am in the incubator stages 🐔

    Hello my name is Ted I am wondering about an incubator query it is about chickens and quail in the same incubator which where added a few days apart seeing as quail should hatch on day18 and chickens on day 21 Just wondering is there any issues with this as I am unsure if it is hygienic or safe...
  19. Joyfillednomads

    Ducks pipping!!! Day 32

    Omg. Day 32. Had given up hope. Thought I heard tiny chirping I saw piping and slightly louder chirping. YAY...
  20. Jessica Lyn

    Will this Incubator work??

    I just moved, and a ton of my stuff has been housed over at my mom's till now. Back in the day - 2016? Not that long ago but I have horrid memory - I had some leopard geckos breeding and used this farm innovators 2350 digital still air Incubator. (Attaching pictures from the purchase listing...
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