
  1. Abborgialli

    Heat wave and first time layers

    Hi all- I have a couple of questions and a bit of a predicament. We live in an arid region, but temps will break 99° - 100° next week for 1-3 days, with no rain. *My hens have windows in their coop (which is white) *they have shade in the side walls of their run *A deep dust bath (not in the...
  2. D

    Do we have a bully problem? Leghorns stopped laying

    I'm investigating two possibilities, this is the first; recently (2024/04/30) I got 3 hens: two white leghorns and one Amber star. They are all within 3weeks age and the amber star started laying small but, cute eggs. Three days at her new home, the bigger legorn started laying too on the 3rd...
  3. H

    Hi All! I'm a professional poultry nutritionist

    Hi Everyone! I'm a professional poultry nutritionist based in the US (BS in Animal Science and MS in Animal Science focused on poultry). My Master's thesis focused on pullets, layers, and broilers growth and production. I can get more specific if there's interest! I wanted to hop on here...
  4. S

    Which breed based on egg color??

    Please help me figure out which one of my chickens laid this egg? I have Easter eggers, buff brahmas, isa browns, cuckoo maran and Swedish flower hens I think these are from my Swedish flower? What does everyone think? I’m torn between the brahmas and Swedish flower! Thank you!
  5. T

    How many layers?

    How many layers do you all think I have so far? We started with 12 chicks the first week of March. Somehow they were all pullets and no roos! They’re starting to lay. I’m thinking I have 4 different ones so far. What do you think?
  6. tannahdodds

    12 laying hens for sale Omaha NE

  7. D

    Is it normal for my duck to have diarrhea 1-3 times everyday?

    She eats well and drinks well. She has snacks like tomatoes mixed with eggs once almost daily, but often a few times everyday. She eats Manna Pro Duck Layer Pellets everyday as her main feed with calcium being high. She’s usually quite lively and messes around a lot. Her poop is usually okay...
  8. Oldegarlicshnapp

    What’s the best egg layer hatchery?

    I’m wary of big time hatcheries or mainstream stores because of bad past experience. I bought from Meyer hatchery last year and 2/3 chicks were genetically weak and died. I assume it’s from over breeding and possibly inbreeding. I’ve heard other people who bought from there with the same exact...
  9. RIRgal

    Bullying or laying hormones? Coop behavior with new layer

    I have 5 RIR'S that are 18 weeks old. Ever since early May they have lived outside and they figured out the automatic door immediately and have been good at going in at dark before it closes. My one girl started laying 3 or 4 days ago. For the last 2 nights before bed I have came and found...
  10. Zen Wildlife Rescuer

    Feed Amounts & Laying Issues?

    Hello everyone. I have 1 Golden Buff Orpington hen (about 6 months old.) and a whoknowswhat bantam/very mixed breed rooster (7 months old) I just have a quick enquiry regarding how much feed to be giving them everyday as I don’t think they’re getting enough. I currently feed them once a day and...
  11. Nadilli

    Best egg layers?

    What is the best egg layer in your opinion? I’m torn between getting Khaki Campbell and Indian Runners. I’m located in SE New Mexico, so we have mild winters and can have super hot summers. I read that Runners use to be really good but the current breed isn’t as good anymore. Thanks in advance...
  12. A step by step guide to choosing the right chicken breed for you

    A step by step guide to choosing the right chicken breed for you

    When starting out with chickens, at one point I remember asking myself, what is the perfect breed(s) for me and my situation, location, etc… With a few years of experience and research under my belt, I’ve decided to compile a guide to help newcomers to chicken keeping make the decision a lot...
  13. B

    Training rooster to fight or to run away

    I bought a rooster, Kuroiler, and I was free ranging him, His Brother was their too, with one of my RIR Hen, Just then an Aseel rooster jumped into action,and killed the kuroilers brother in One shot( I think he broke his neck), And the Kuroiler I was talking about at the beginning of the thread...
  14. R

    Pullets - Winter

    I have 6 pullets (2 Barred Rock, 2 Rhode Island’s, 1 Welsummer, 1 Americauna) that are about 4 months old. They will be 5 months in the middle of November. I’m in Northern California. Will they start laying, or do you think they won’t lay all winter and will start in the spring? When should I...
  15. V

    Fave Layer Chick Grit…GO!

    I’ve checked the threads and have seen great advice for why to use grit, advice on baby chick grit, how to use grit but didn’t see much on actual Holy Grail products for our layers. I’m new to this backyard chicken world and I’d rather go based off of experience to keep my chicks safe, happy...
  16. Showbiz

    Layer feed, crumble or pellets?

    Hi, I have been feeding my pullets corn free grower feed(New Country Organics.) I read that around 18 weeks, I should be switching to a different kind of feed. Is layer, crumble or pellet best? Opinions on corn in feed for chickens? Should I be feeding them crushed egg shells? Any good brand...
  17. old mama hen

    Molting in Bovan browns

    We bought 15 Bovan brown layers March 26 from an egg producer. They were 1 year old and just going into molt. It's been 13 weeks and the most eggs we have gotten in one day is 3. Wondering if this is normal for this breed. Any thoughts?
  18. B5685D5A-D29C-4B93-9912-AB6FAF17E00C.jpeg


    Frito Speckled Sussex
  19. PopoMyers

    When and how to start layer food?

    My ISA Brown and Welsummer girls are 14.5 weeks old. According to breed information, they don't begin laying until 22-26 weeks (January). When and how do I transition them to layer feed, and is pellet or crumble best?
  20. P

    To cull or not to cull

    Hello , we are first time chicken owners. We are getting ready to process our Rainbow and Australorp roosters this weekend and we have one gimpy Rainbow hen that we were wondering if we should process as well. She has a defect or injury she has been living with where she hobbles around and her...
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