
  1. M

    Am I doing lockdown right?

    I have five eggs in lockdown right now and I just want to make sure I have everything right. I have a little Govee thermometer/hygrometer monitoring everything and the temperature is rock solid but I feel like the humidity might be a little high. Should I keep the humidity on the higher end or...
  2. M

    Difference in air sac size for the same hatch

    Greetings Peeps! (see what I did there?) I am wondering if some of you may have insight on the air sack size discrepancy between eggs for my current hatch. I am on day 21 of hatching 15 straight run chicken eggs from a friend with a backyard chicken flock. I am using a Hova -Bator circulated...
  3. lmadeline146

    NR 360 Lockdown Humidity

    Today is day 18 of incubation (yay!) and I prepared the incubator for lockdown an hour ago. The humidity has not risen from 47%. I have both water pots filled and the air vent is about 2/3 open. Any tips? Last time I put wet paper towels in my incubator, but while I wasn’t home they ended up...
  4. S

    HELP! lockdown humidity

    Is it safe to put a sponge in the incubator alongside the eggs or will chicks peck at it when hatched? I have 6 silkie eggs on lockdown since last night, I candled them before locking down and all are looking good to go, today is day 18, two eggs are wobbling a little bit since right before...
  5. Bobbielyn2020LittleLake

    4 Call ducks day 25 tomorrow. I don't know what I'm doing wrong..

    The past 2 years I can not get a call duckling to hatch. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. For 4 years I had no issues, I lost a few. Had to assist hatch probably a fourth of them. But out of 68 eggs in that 4 years, I lost 5, and assisted 27. I can not get them past a small external pip. I...
  6. J

    No vent holes on chinese incubator

    I have a 35$ cheapo incubator for my first hatch, 10 out of 12 eggs have embryos and I'm on day 18. I've seen reviews of this one with fluffy chicks running around inside that also had ducks in the same batch so I think I'm good but there's no obvious ventilation. Unless the lip around the dome...
  7. AmyA248

    Incubating Muscovy and Pekin eggs at different ages and I can’t tell the difference! How can I tell??

    Hello to all! My ducks have began to lay again but are not sitting. They dug a deep hole and laid 6 eggs. The problem is we now have Pekins as well and I honestly don’t know if the eggs are Muscovy or Pekin! I need to find out because lockdown is different and the eggs are of different ages. If...
  8. PhoenixManz

    Give newly broody hen ready to hatch eggs from incubator, or freshly hatched chicks?

    Hi all! I have a some eggs in an incubator that are due to hatch starting Monday, 4th March. Goldilocks: has been broody since two days now and she should get the babies in the incubator. I've read that that should be possible. My question: would it be best to give the eggs to her before they...
  9. kodipilla

    Urgent Help needed On Day 18 in Incubator and found a bad egg

    I am on day 18, and I have 12 eggs in the incubator. Suddenly I noticed one egg that had green sports-like pours on it. I suspect it is a bad egg, but I am not sure if it is really a bad egg. I candled the egg carefully and found that it was dark with an embryo and an air sac. I did not see it...
  10. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown - Day 21

    Hey guys, My daughter is hatching her second batch of eggs and we have the incubator in lockdown now. We have 12 eggs, and so far 8 of them have started wiggling. One has pipped externally. We are super excited for our second batch of backyard mutt chicks. So I just wanted to start a...
  11. O

    Burst blood vessels???

    I had a silkie egg in lockdown and several days after it was due to hatch I opened the incubator and checked it and saw this.. the pictures aren’t great but it almost looks like bleeding under the shell when I candle, like the blood vessels have burst.. what could have caused this?
  12. O

    Help with duck eggs!!

    I had 12 viable duck eggs at lockdown, raised the humidity to 65-70 percent and left them, I had 3 hatch, 4 internally pip but no external pop and died, 2 I think popped through a blood vessel as lots of bruising on the egg and looked to be leaked blood everywhere when I candles them, and the...
  13. milliesbuttons

    Button Quail Lockdown

    Scuse the first timer here but a few questions on day 14 as I prepare for button lockdown. TIA Does it sounds right that temp was at 37.7c and now dropped it to 37.5c for lockdown & increased humidity? How do I know if simply keeping the two chambers of the Brinsea Mini 2 Advance full is going...
  14. AJ916

    Button Quail Surprise!

    Today is lockdown day for my button quail! We have 16 going right now, all healthy and growing as of last night, and as I was adding a fresh moist towel near an air vent to keep wet with a dropper during hatching for humidity, and setting up for lockdown this morning I noticed some of the eggs...
  15. Jlreay

    Early Lockdown Question

    Today is day 17, can I put my eggs in lockdown half a day early? I won’t have time before work tomorrow or is it better to wait until later on day 18?
  16. HeritageFan

    Incubator advice for ducks and Turkeys

    I have had ducks for a few years, and finally bought an incubator last year. I had a very low hatch rate, on my first try, but my ducks were 5 years old and I’m pretty sure that was the biggest problem w my first attempt. I was given a dozen duck eggs a few weeks ago from a friend who has the...
  17. Firsttimecrazychicklady

    Powercut on Day 18

    So I have been hatching eggs in an incubator in school. I was told by the caretaker on Friday that the power would be going out at the weekend. I had just put the eggs into lockdown Day 18 that day but I had to unplug the incubator and take them home so they wouldn't be affected by the powercut...
  18. Cloverr39

    Thoughts on the Puisor IO 103?

    I'm thinking of getting a new incubator because I currently only have 1 incubator and I know the eggs will have diffrent hatch days. Some should even be 1 week apart. I heard it's not that good for the hatching chicks to push around and get their goo on the other eggs that aren't hatching. I've...
  19. Q

    Can quail eggs be moved while in lockdown after they have started moving inside the shell?

    I am incubating my quail eggs and it’s day 18. They have been moving in the shell on and off but then stopping completely so worried the humidity was to low my partner put a wet clothe in the incubator and when they did they moved almost all of the eggs. I am worried he might have accidentally...
  20. MamaBirds_Quail

    First official pip! Here we go! 😍

    I’ve actually counted 11 (of 26! 84% of the eggs incubated were still ticking along at the start of lockdown! 🙌🏻) hairline cracks… of COURSE the first obvious pip is at the wrong end though 🙄 Quail chicks: always working hard to die under even the most ideal circumstances! 😅 I’ll keep y’all...
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