not eating

  1. PBAndAlice

    Diarrhea, lethargy, and not eating

    Hi guys, one of my Tractor Supply Easter egger hens, ~3 years old, has been lethargic since yesterday morning, looks like she hasn't been preening her tail, and she has watery diarrhea and her fluff is all dirty from it. Her comb got paler than usual (she's always had a big floppy comb though)...
  2. S

    HELP NEEDED - recently broody female Chinese will not eat; wasting away

    I have 2 Brown Chinese who are mated and live together since they hatched. Both hatched in February '22 so are just over 2 years old. At year 1 of age, my female laid a few eggs, but unfortunately they were all in *terrible* spots and were so filthy by the time I found them (she hid them well...
  3. LindaKurai

    Egg bound? sour crop? Tried everything not sure what to do

    I'm sorta new to BYC so i hope i posted this in the right area 😓 I'm worried its to late i noticed my bantam hen (Garnet) wasn't eating much at all 3 days ago and she was very easy to catch normally she's less tame than the others, so i brought her in and took a look at her. she wasn't sneezing...
  4. J

    Chicken not very interested in food. Seems to be getting weaker!

    Over the past few weeks my chicken has been acting lethargic and not eating much food. Her tail is generally slanted down. I've seen her drinking water, and while she still pecks at food, she isn't very interested in it and didn't even want any meal worms. I checked her for lice/mites and I...
  5. G

    Yellow poop disease?

    I want to know what's causing this. I've now had 2 hens die in 5 months. They are my loving pets and it kills me that I don't even know what did them in. I also want to know so I can help if it happens again. I got these hens at beginning of 2021. With both of them it started with yellow poop...
  6. I

    Drunk walk now just laying and wobbly

    My chicken all of a sudden started drunk walking and so we brought her inside and two days later she has not moved, isn’t eating, or drinking. I thought it could be signs of Marek’s disease but it’s all happening so quickly. do the symptoms usually take affect like this, one day fine the next...
  7. H

    Week old olive egger chick tiny and not gaining weight?

    Hello! First time raising chicks and owning chickens at all. I want to give lots of context so sorry this will be long.. Basically I started with 4 x 1 day old chicks from a local breeder who hatches all year round.. it’s early Autumn here in Australia and currently going through a heat wave...
  8. McCluckster

    Duck not eating, appears weak and "tired"

    Hello there! I have this small Indian runner duck, who we call Mama duck, who is the survivor of a predator attack that took her leg. We've been helping her since she's lost her leg, and she does a pretty dang good job at getting around. Recently, however, she has seem less interested in food...
  9. P

    Impaction procedure 1.5 weeks ago, seemed better, now not eating and sleeping a lot

    Our 2 year old orpington had an incredibly sagging crop 2-3 weeks ago that would not empty. We took her to the vet and they removed a lot of material via tubes. Over 4-5 days we had her inside and managed to clear the rest. Last weekend she was reintroduced to the flock and immediately went on...
  10. E

    Inactive hen.. not sure what’s wrong

    I have a hen, about 8 months old, that has been pretty inactive and to herself for about 6 days. Not wanting to eat, drinks a little bit of water and just sleeps all day. Her poop has been pretty runny (no blood). I’ve had her separated since Friday from the rest of the flock. I’ve been giving...
  11. SparkisGmaw

    Worried about Muscovy duck

    For context…my husband witnessed some tiny ducklings run over by a dump truck on his way home from work in late May. He stopped to check on them and found one duckling was alive and wasn’t hit. Mom was nowhere to be found. He brought it home, and my 15-year-old daughter took it in to raise as...
  12. MissGreenJeans

    Molting chicken not completely emptying crop

    Hi, everyone, Hoping for some advice. I have a 2.5-year-old Ameraucana hen named Sunny Side Up who’s been going through a hard molt. She feels thin and appears to have lost weight. About a week ago, I noticed that she was spending some of her day looking puffed up and squinty eyed—like she felt...
  13. T

    Chicken is sick and may have ingested pesticide. What can I do?

    So a week or so ago my husband sprayed some pesticide in some different places. Now we have a chicken and a bantam that is acting poorly. Not moving much or eating much. I am not sure if they will die or not but thought maybe someone knew of something we could do to help them. It seems weird it...
  14. Emrosenagel

    Bantam not eating, not as active

    Hello! I have a mottled cochin bantam (Gil) about 18 weeks old. She lives with two blue Andalusians that are the same age. Yesterday when I let them out, I noticed that none of them were really eating very much. The blues did a little bit, but Gil didn't at all. She ate grass and whatever bugs...
  15. M

    Chicken lethargic and hiding? :(

    My chicken Peperomia is around 2 years old. Today she has started acting lethargic, swaying her head and hiding. She refuses to eat or drink. I spoon fed her water in the hopes to give her some hydration. I even laid out some of her favorite foods in a shallow dish of 100% coconut water. I...
  16. M

    Golden laced polish not eating.

    Hi all. I have five - 6 month old hens. One is a golden laced polish. As expected, she is the most skittish. I’m worried that she is not getting enough to eat. She is hesitant and just stops trying if another chicken is around her. She is not being bullied. Her crop is almost always nearly...
  17. R

    Chicken acting very off

    my hen, mabel, has been acting very off this last week. i’ve moved her indoors during the night but allow her to get some sun during the days. she is usually a very vocal chicken but recently she has been very quiet and not laying eggs. she’s a little older than 6, but overall is a healthy...
  18. Mama KK

    Peahen Quarantine

    Peahen started showing symptoms of illness last Friday (August 1), got her into the vet same day. Fecal sample was clear, exam was clear but her behavior was off, they treated with antibiotic (5 days in water) and anti-inflammatory (5 days orally). She was quarantined the whole time, she's not...
  19. T

    Guinea fowl is lethargic, doesn't appear to eat or drink and has liquid green poop HELP

    This past weekend (last friday night) a raccoon got into my chicken yard and injured one of my male guineas. From what I can tell it only ripped out some feathers and possibly cut him on his neck however I only saw blood on his neck but no wound. I ended up bringing him inside that night as it...
  20. divineangel94

    Me again.

    Hen that’s been sneezing, and breathing heavy. She was eating until this morning. Now she won’t eat even mealworms. She is drinking normal, flew out of my arms and ran from a rooster. She has a weird sound when she breaths in. Almost sounds like a raspy whisper. She is six and crown, wattles...
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