
  1. StinkyAcres

    Your flower gardens!

    I wasn't able to find a garden thread dedicated to flower gardens, so I'm making one! Show off your flower and ornamental gardens! Outdoor gardens only - there's another thread for house plants. Looking forward to seeing photos of your beautiful gardens!! And feel free to discuss anything...
  2. W

    Will chickens eat my flower seedlings?

    Hello! This is my first time growing flowers. (Dahlias, zinnias, celosia specifically). I am going to transplant the seedlings when they are a few inches high to the yard and the chickens free range there. Will they get eaten? Should I put up fencing to protect them? Don’t want to spend the...
  3. M

    Chickens and Gardens

    Hi all, I'm in the mood to spruce up my garden this year and I'm wondering how cautious you all are with plants. My chickens are free range and roam the entire neighborhood, so they are already exposed to any number of plants that may or may not be edible. I've seen them devour entire bushes and...
  4. krissyweso

    Best Mid-Atlantic Chicken Run Plants

    I live on the Chesapeake Bay (Literally... on an island) in Maryland, and I am planning ahead on laying out the plants I want to grow in my chicken run. I want, ideally, to plant things that will be good for my chickens to eat, are anti-pest, provide coverage from predators and the sun, and are...
  5. A

    Preparing for chickens

    Hello! I have wanted chickens for a long time. My town doesn’t allow chickens unless I get a special permit from my city council. We are a rural community of about 1350 people so I am hoping that I won’t have any problems obtaining permission. After this is obtained I am ready to change an old...
  6. Fwoof

    What types of herbs/plants are good for chickens and how?

    On this thread tell me what plants make either good treats, herbal medicine, or are high in beneficial vitamins. (and everything in between!) And don't forget to tell me your experience with giving these greens to your hens! 😁 ❤️
  7. kanami

    are these weeds okay for chicks to be around?

    hi, sorry if this is in the wrong forum but i have these really tall weeds and then some little prickly ones on the ground (a LOT) and i was wondering if chicks are okay near these? i was observing them (4 week old gals) near the weeds earlier and i didn’t notice any issues with them pecking...
  8. RebelEgger

    Do you put your plants outside?

    Hello!! I am a relatively new plant mom, I've been getting serious about this since about January and have a nice little collection now. They just brighten up a space! I have a Bird of Paradise I bought from Home Depot 2-3 months ago, I just finished treating it for spider mites (my first time...
  9. C

    Aquatic plants

    Does anyone know where I'd find sources on which aquarium plants I can safely feed my ducks? I already feed them hornwort and duckweed, but I have a lot in my planted tank I'm sure they'd love but I'm a little nervous... Maybe I should assume that fish safe ones should be safe for ducks? I have...
  10. FathertoFeathers

    Quail cover plants?

    I want to plant some good cover plants for my quail as they like to hide. But are they like chickens and ducks in the sense that they’ll just trash any plants I put in there? I was thinking of putting a Boston fern in there for them but I don’t know if they’ll shred it. Anyone had success with...
  11. Arelwood

    Toxic Plants in Run?

    I am converting an old landscaped area of my yard to a large chicken run. I am looking for information on if some of the plants that are there are toxic to chickens. I have found the answer for a few of them, but I am struggling with Creeping Jenny. I think is because several plants have this...
  12. Albert the Saxony

    Best vegetation for a duck habitat?

    I have been working on my duck pen for a while now and I’m now to the point where it really needs some better plants for shade, eating, and looks. I have a fairly good sized pond that is now filling up and I have four breeding pens, so any ideas for pond vegetation would be a huge help! I will...
  13. C

    Best groundcover for small "lawn" with chickens

    Hi all - I was surprised not to find a thread when I searched for "groundcover"/ground cover. We have a small lawn area in a suburban back yard so between the chickens and some construction work, our lawn is definitely on its way out, and I'd love to do something to get it looking better before...
  14. QuailTail

    Jumbo Coturnix Aviary Build

    Hey everyone! Not sure if anyone wants to see, but I love watching step by steps of other people's set up, so I thought I'd post my aviary build for anyone that's interested :) It's a slow process as work and lockdown restrictions mean time and resources are limited, but hopefully we'll be able...
  15. Waterfowllady

    Wild Duck Enclosure plants/design

    Hi! Im looking into getting some wild duck species in the future, white faced whistling specifically but other species as well, and I was wondering about the construction of a pen for them. For one, how big it should be, two, what materials to use and how to properly protect it from predators...
  16. chickmamat

    “LOVE IN A PUFF” safe for chickens?

    I’ve been trying to find a good plant to grow up on side of the exterior of my chicken run for looks but also to add shade for the summer. I have Love In A Puff seeds (Cardiospermum halicacabum). I can’t find anything online about it being toxic, but also can’t find anything in reference to...
  17. Mtnboomer

    Breaking Ground

    I got my first tilling of the garden done today and layed out the planting plan for it. If weather clears up, hopefully i can get it limed, fertilized, tilled again and raked this week. Potatoes, peas, lettuce, and spinach go in the ground in 2 wks! Stoked! Anyone else diggingin yet? Attached...
  18. NineChickens

    White orchid turning pink?

    I recently got a white orchid, but on some of the back petals they're turning pink. Is this normal?
  19. DiYMama540

    Anyone open to trade??

    It will soon be time for me to divide and conquer some things in my garden this fall. Was wondering if anyone would like to trade a few plants?? I will have several different varieties of hostas, solomans seal, asiatic lilies, calla lilies, canna lillies, banana trees, elephant ear...
  20. Black Rabbit Homestead

    Fodder in the run

    We decided to try out a new fodder in the run, so far it's been working out great and I thought I'd share it with yall.
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