please and thank you

  1. J

    Duckling stumbling and clicking

    I have two ducklings that I just got a day ago from tractor supply. One is completely fine, but the other is stumbling and every time he exhales I’m hearing a singular click. It all started today and he was fine about an hour before this all started happening. I checked his legs and feet for any...
  2. Meme1991

    Lets play! Hen or roo!

    Hi everyone! I have two 7 week old Blue Isbars. I'm hoping someone will be able to tell if they are pullets or cockerels. Their hatch date was 4/21. Their names are on each photo. Let me know what you think. Thank you 😊 💓 ☺️ ☺️
  3. H

    Need to Rehome My 6 Teenage Ducks - URGENT

    Hello, I have 6 teenage ducks who are very sweet. I have 2 drakes and the rest are females. 3 are Rouen's and the other 3 are Pekins. They are beautiful ducklings that have no notice left health issues or injuries. They are quite friendly and are amazing pets. They would love to live in a big...
  4. hayleyasaurus

    Advice for duck with sprained ankle limping

    Hi! Two days ago I saw my duck Pip trip over the garden hose. She started limping immediately after. I gave her vitamin b complex and put poultry green goo on her ankle. I also used my red light therapy device on her. I think it looks slightly swollen but nothing crazy. She gets around fine...
  5. hayleyasaurus

    Please help! Duck with limpy leg, bumble foot, wet feather

    Hey! I’m not sure how to help my duck Holly. She’s been having a lot of leg issues for a while that aren’t resolving with my treatment. First it was bumble foot and a small limp. I took her to the vet and she removed the scab and infection on the bumble, took X-rays of the limpy leg. The x ray...
  6. ChickenMama1421

    Hen is Limping After Slipping on Icy Coop

    Good morning, y’all! I opened my coop about an hour ago to let my chickens out & as one of my Orpingtons (about 10 months old) was jump flying out, she landed on the coop floor (outside the door) and slid when she landed. She got down & was limping, but she puts pressure on that foot & will limp...
  7. i_only_listen_to_dgd

    Egg Bound Hen???? URGENT

    I found one of my hens (I have 7 total) just an hour ago walking funny with her tail down. My family have raised hens before and one of our hens from years ago had seemingly been egg bound but we didn't know how bad this was and she died from it. When I saw this hen acting like this I...
  8. chickenGrant

    Pecking each other has gotten worse.

    Hi there. I have three chickens, one golden laced Wyandotte one silver laced Wyandotte and one cinnamon queen. The cinnamon queen seems to be the lead hen and likes to pick on the others. But the golden laced Wyandotte is in second and she picks on the silver laced Wyandotte. Both the...
  9. newturkeymama

    HELP! New turkey mama who is trying to save one egg!

    Hey y’all! So I am totally new to incubating / turkey / anything to do with eggs! I have been doing a ton of research and I am somewhat educated on the basics. So…… here’s the back story. We have a hen that laid eggs, something got her eggs. We took the last 3 and put them in the incubator. We...
  10. D


    hello I have a duck that is about 4 months old and these past two days she’s been having multiple seizures (something similar to this happened before but last time it did was around 2 months ágonas it also wasn’t this bad but last time it happened we took her to the hospital because we thought...
  11. S

    Thank for allowing me to join BYC!

    I live in NY, I have had chickens for a year now. I acquired some older ducks in December with a flock of chickens (they co-inhabited together in a place they weren't really cared for well so I took them all) . All together I have 19 chickens (10 Browns, 1 Buff, and 8 Rhode Island Reds) and 6...
  12. White Wolf Bear

    Help for a very special baby 🐣

    Long story short; my daughter Kerin had a very special chicken named Gohan, who was literally a pet. Her “baby”. After Kerin passed away last year (she had heart, liver, and kidney failure, and she was only 19), Gohan was left in my care, along with Kerins other 20 or so chickens 🐓 and one...
  13. F

    hens or roosters?

    Hello, I’m new to BYC and I had picked up pullets from Tractor Supply. They are about 18-19 weeks now and I have gotten some eggs and it might be that some are just late layers, but I’m not certain that they are all pullets; and there seems to be one that are a lot louder than the others. I...
  14. Collinska

    I really need help with my duckling, please.

    Hi I need some help from this community! For starters I’m sorry about how long this is, just trying to give all the information I can for help. The Backstory: So, around a week ago we got two ducklings (Tweety and Little Bit) that I believe are Pekins from what I’ve researched online. I love...
  15. jsullivan704

    Polish chick with possible wry neck

    So i have some polish and silkie chicks right now, around 8 weeks old. Back when they were around 2 weeks I had a polish chick that almost died, like it wouldn't even lift its head up refused to eat or drink. I spent days nursing it back to health, expecting to find it dead every time I would...
  16. P

    11 Week old Delaware Rooster in Southern NH looking for new home.

    Hi! We are in Salem NH and are new chicken parents (11 weeks) today we heard a crow from one of our 4. He is handsome and extremely friendly. We have had no problems at all just a town ordinance against owning roosters. Thank You!
  17. I

    I need to know- does this mean my baby duck is unhealthy?

    i recently became concerned about one of my newer ducklings, which i named Frank. We bought her and two others (All Pekins) from the local farm store in early May this year (2019, specifying just in case) and moved them out into the coop in late May, and we keep new birds in a little “jail”...
  18. N

    HELP! Baby chick with white attached to belly

    Help please! I just finished a round of incubating 7 eggs. 6 hatched successfully and have been moved to the brooder. The last egg pipped over 48 hours ago with minimal progress. The chick was trying to get out consistently and I was always seeing movement within the egg and chirping to let me...
  19. Donutley

    I Rescued a Chicken off the Road

    So about 5 weeks ago I found a chicken in the road that had escaped a chicken truck, judging by her state. I jumped out to get her and drove home, only to find that her wing was broken with part of the bone sticking out. After 4 vet visits and a lot of time with her living in my room, she's...
  20. Chickababie01


    I have 7 eggs in the incubator that are suppose to hatch next week , today is day 14 . Yesterday I received my new eggs they are 10 i waited 8 hours then placed them in the SAME incubator that I have my other eggs in , for the day 18 I have to turn the humidity to 75% for only 3 days will it...
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