quail eggs

  1. K

    Translucent egg white in quail?

    Hi everyone! I'm new to raising quail and have a flock of 1 rooster and 3 hens. One of the hens has been laying eggs with translucent whites when boiled. Any idea what this is? Is it something I can fix? Are such eggs fit for consumption? Is it normal? Pictures: cooked egg in question...
  2. FatherFalcon

    Double Yolk Quail eggs

    Just showing out the quail eggs putting out! Most around 14.5g but recently one has been putting out a daily dose of double Yolkers. I’ve put a few in the incubator considering that one seemingly had two yolks but was a 23.1g single yolk egg. I’m hoping more will be the same. Has anyone hatched...
  3. Patiocoturnix

    Random egg names for hatch-a-long

    Hey so I need 30+ eggs names for a hatch-a-long thanks for the idea @gimmie birdies so fire them off I will tag some people in a bit that wanted to join (Disclaimer this is not the actual hatch-a-long this is just for name ideas I’m the worst at that)
  4. L

    Are These Quail Eggs Viable?

    This is my very first time hatching Cotournix Quail and Im worried these may have stopped developing. It's day 15 (lockdown day). I ended up with 4 that developed to this, the air cells seem worryingly large. And one egg that's too dark to see through. Will these likely not hatch? I have a gut...
  5. S

    Jumbo Coturnix laying Celadon egg?

    Hi there, I have been receiving eggs from my 9-week old girls since June 14th, around that time I found a celadon egg. No one has laid the same egg since then, all the rest have been standard. Some have celadon speckles ontop of the standard coloring. Has anyone exper3inced this? Do you think...
  6. S

    Unusual egg found--cause for concern?

    I have 8 week old Jumbo Coturnix hens laying for about a week or so now. Today I found this weird little nugget alongside a normal egg. I don't know who is laying as I think only 3 of my 9 are and I have t yet caught them in the act. Should I be concerned? I don't think that this is a lash egg...
  7. Oob Child

    Quail Eggs incubated for 18 days, Still no pipping.

    Hi! I'm new to Quail and have been trying to hatch them for months. Finally, I had 7 fertile Japanese Jumbo Quail eggs. I candled them on day 6 and saw that they were alive, and got super excited so I candled them on day 10 too. 5 Were alive now, the other two had sadly died. When I candled them...
  8. D

    New here - I have quail

    Hi there! New member here hailing from the central coast of Oregon. We have a covey of about 40 Conturnix quail (jumbo sparkly, Italians, Tibetans, Tuxedos, and some dilutions) We raise them for meat, eggs and fun pets. We also have a few “rescue pigeons” and I’m considering adding some...
  9. WhistlePig

    Are my eggs too old?? Hatching storebought duck and quail eggs...

    First post!! Hope this gets some notice... thanks in advance to all who reply. I recently got interested in incubating eggs from the grocery store. In short I went down a rabbit trail on Youtube and came out desperately wanting to do this strange thing, filled with hope that I could be...
  10. MamaBirds_Quail

    First official pip! Here we go! 😍

    I’ve actually counted 11 (of 26! 84% of the eggs incubated were still ticking along at the start of lockdown! 🙌🏻) hairline cracks… of COURSE the first obvious pip is at the wrong end though 🙄 Quail chicks: always working hard to die under even the most ideal circumstances! 😅 I’ll keep y’all...
  11. MamaBirds_Quail

    Are some of these eggs Celadon?

    Aka: how blue does a blue egg need to be before its Celadon?! 😅 I bought these off EBay, from a woman who keeps I believe it was around 100 birds, mostly Pearls (though it says she has some pharaoh, Italian, and pansy fee)… I didn’t pay Celadon prices, nor were blue eggs mentioned anywhere but...
  12. S

    Coturnix Quail Hatching eggs in Kentucky

    We have Coturnix Quail Hatching eggs in Manchester, KY $5.00 a dozeon
  13. NinjaGamer2022

    Are non-pasteurized quail eggs safe to eat after power outage?

    I was storing my quail eggs in the fridge to keep them from getting broken and a few days ago there was a power outage after a serious storm. The power came back yesterday and I was wondering are they safe to eat or should I toss them? Thx,
  14. I

    Little Bumps on Quail Egg - What is it?

    I just collected this fresh quail egg, laid within the last 12 hours. I've never seen one with these little bumps before. Anyone know what it is? Thanks in advance!
  15. Ravenlover

    Coturnix quail,Celadon,Albino,Black Birthday Hatch/pied-Darth,boody mom, Chinese painted quail.

    Thanks to @FloorCandy I am getting 18 coturnix eggs 2 are potentially fertile albino and 1 is potentially fertile black and the rest celadon,I only say potentially cuz I was told it's a chance cuz the males young,my fiancee said I can have a coturnix since my personal button Lucifer keeps...
  16. R

    Quail eggs and hot weather.

    Hopefully this isn’t a already answered question, but here it goes. It’s been really hot lately. Upper 90s for a few weeks. I usually collect my eggs (non fertile—no males in coop) every late afternoon. However some days I can’t get them for at max two days because of bad storms. Is there like a...
  17. Littlefrenchyinbigtexas

    So proud of our fresh farm eggs. Look at these colors and sizes! Quails too!

    i hope our chicks will seat soon instead of incubating...
  18. A

    Couple Qs about new flock

    I'm building a large aviary for my new flock of coturnix quail. I'm doing a brooding experiment, having my quail hatched by another farmer, and taking them "under my wing". When should I have the newbies move into the aviary? I'm doing a survival of the fittest type beginning, with a hands off...
  19. Mustafa Aamir

    Quail Eggs production in winters without 12hrs light

    Hi, i have 1 male and 4 female cotournix quails, they have stopped laying eggs completely due to winters approaching... i am unable to provide them with light 12hrs a day but i try to. are there any other way that from which quails can start laying again... maybe change in diet or something.
  20. Bird_Lover_17

    Incubator for a hatching newbie

    hey! So I'm planning on hatching some quail eggs this spring, (but I need to save up the money for an incubator now). Does anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking the Brinsea Mini II incubator for size... Just so that you can get an idea of what I'm thinking of: -Automatic turner -Not a...
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