roosting at night

  1. StefneyRSA

    Why do my Orpingtons prefer to huddle together on the floor instead of roosting or using their nests at night? How should I design their coop?

    Why do my Orpingtons (bantam and regular) prefer to huddle up on the floor at night instead of roosting on their perch? I’m busy drawing up plans for a luxurious coop for them to sleep in (this will be inside of a very big catio-inspired run/enclosure/aviary in my backyard). They’ve been in a...
  2. allison_waring

    Nightly Roost Kerfuffles

    Curious to get your thoughts on my flocks sudden inability to roost peacefully at night. A week or two ago I noticed that our flock of 6 (5 hens and 1 rooster) were being aggressive towards each other each night as they began to roost. They've always generally been pretty peaceful about finding...
  3. sammi_lynn12

    Rooster at night

    I just added a rooster to our flock today. He has been fine with them all day until tonight. This is the first time I allowed him on the roosting bar with them and from the time it took to let the horses in and then go back and check on them there was blood dripping down the roosting bar. I...
  4. M

    Combined flock not sleeping where they should

    I have three 2 yo hens and four young hens about 6 months old. I built a new coop for them and the older gals won’t sleep on the roosts, they just sleep on the floor of the coop. Their previous coop had the roosts only a few inches off the coop floor and now it’s about a foot off the ground. I...
  5. F

    Two chicks died, moved remaining to new coop but they won't go in at night

    First time caring for chickens. I got 6 chicks about 6 weeks ago. I was told they were 3 weeks old at the time. We got them from our neighbor who has free-range chickens who spend a lot of time on our property. Two of them died without an obvious cause last week, and I have a question about...
  6. G

    Bully older flock is affecting new hens; new hens don’t mix and won’t go into coop at night

    I have 30 hens and 3 roosters that are all 8 months old. We recently raised 25 hens that are now 2-3 months old. Problem, the original flock bully’s the new hens and keeps them away from food, chases and pecks them and are generally bad to the new hens. So the old flock goes into the coop at...
  7. NorthEastGameBirds


    I have shamo and modern game birds. It doesn’t matter how clean, snug or higher their perches they will not roost in the shed. They choose to roost in the trees, this is fine in the British summer but I worry about it for the long winter ahead. They are fit and healthy. People tell me not to...
  8. M

    Hens avoiding coop at night ?

    Hi all, I have 3 hens all the same age, however 2 or the 3 have started to refuse to roost in the coop at night while the other one stays in there all night and half the day, she also isn’t broody at all. The other 2 have decided to roost on the dogs bed. I also cleaned the coop out and...
  9. P

    Why can't one of my hens can't fly up to roost?

    Hi, We have had our chickens for a little over a year and for the past two nights, one of my hens hasn't been able to fly high enough to roost with the rest of the flock. Every other night we have had them she has roosted with the rest however for some reason for the past two nights she hasn't...
  10. F

    Rooster won’t return to the coop at night!

    Hi all, New member here! We have two hens, a gorgeous New Hampshire and a lovely little leghorn. They’re the sweetest hens and always come home to their coop at night. Now, about 2 months ago our neighbours rooster started visiting us, And of course, our hens and the rooster now adore each...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Integrating Indoor Chicken Outdoors in the Cold

    Hello, My BO recently recovered from a vague illness that had her staying in a temp controlled environment (about 68 degrees) for about a week. Since she seems to be back to 100%, I've been letting her free-range with the girls for the last two days, in temps ranging from the 50s-60s. Today...
  12. OuelletteFlock

    Roosting issues

    We have 9 week old chickens who have been living in the coop for a week now. They can’t figure out the roosting bars. We have two roostings bars ( 2x4’s ) over a poop board. Every evening , I go to the run and corral them into the coop. I place them on the roosting bar, but first I place each...
  13. Cato0608

    Having some trouble at night with roosting

    Hi. I have a 5 week old Lavender Oprington chick whose mother decided it's time to roost with the rest of the flock way up there. Last night when I went to close the coop I found him alone on the ground screaming for his mom who was sound asleep. I tried putting him on the bar, but when I went...
  14. P

    New chickens + old chickens at night

    Hello everyone! So, we just got two new chickens to add to our two-chicken flock. We made the calculated decision (although it ended up being a mistake, which we knew it could be when we did it) to let them interact after one day of separating them through cages. Pecking order ensued. My...
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