
  1. AshleyNicole06

    Hurt duck!

    i noticed one of my ducks is bleeding on his back claw.. I don’t know what he did! What can I do for it? He is walking on it okay.
  2. AshleyNicole06

    Would this work?!

    So I have an old dog house that looks like this... Would it work for 3/4 ducks at night?? (Only at night) And let them out in the morning... I need something ASAP to get my babies out of the wind and cold! Any other suggestions would work too! TIA!
  3. AshleyNicole06


    Are there any monthly subscriptions to magazines or anything about ducks? Just wondering.. need something new! :)
  4. AshleyNicole06

    Choking duck???

    My duck has been eating cracked corn lately and when he’s done he acts/looks like he’s choking?? Or he can’t get it down?? He doesn’t act like this any other time. Could he be sick? Help! :)
  5. AshleyNicole06

    Getting more ducks?

    i have 3 drakes and am planning on getting more ducklings in the spring. (A few females and more drakes) Will the older ones accept the new ones or hurt them? Not like them? I read somewhere they might not take a liking to them. Thanks
  6. Ryan Wiemken

    Pomeranian Geese, Rouen Ducks, and Aylesbury Ducks.

    I'm looking into buying some Pomeranian geese and maybe some rouen ducks and aylesbury ducks. I have a lot of experience raising waterfowl, especially ducks. I want to know if this is a good idea or not. I want to buy them as goslings and ducklings and raise them out to breed and sell hatching...
  7. claire4867

    Chickens friendlier after starting to lay??

    So 4 out of 9 of our hens are laying (I think number 4 started this morning because I woke up to the lovely egg song) 2 RIRs and 2 WRs, and I feel like everyone's friendlier since they started?? Like today when I went out to care for them, one of my rocks got on top of the dog house beside me...
  8. claire4867

    Jumbo Rouen egg

    I really don't know if it's considered a jumbo egg, but it is for her! The egg on the left is her normal egg (about chicken egg size) and the right is the 'jumbo' she deserves an award haha
  9. 9Tiptoes

    Free Range Broody Rouen

    I'm looking for suggestions and tips. I have a mixed flock. 3 Rouen hens, 1 drake, 2 Muscovy hens and a herd of drakes. I have one Rouen hen who is especially broody. She's currently sitting on her second clutch this season but has yet to produce a single duckling. She's a good mama. Sits all...
  10. Z

    Question about duck behavior

    I've never had ducks before and I was wondering what it means when my drake lifts his wings/head, quacks, and darts his head forward whenever he sees me sometimes? Is it courtship behavior? Can't really find anything on the subject and I'm just curious. (He's a Rouen if that matters.)
  11. ReillyB

    Hatching Ducklings

    So I currently have a Rouen Hen who has been laying an egg a day in her nest and forming the nest each day and it looks like she might be sitting at night. She just laid 12 eggs but I haven't noticed her sitting on them. How do I know if she's going to hatch them herself or if I need to...
  12. J1Bern

    Neck Concern

    I'm new to forum and thought I posted question a little while ago but can't seem to find it. Trying again and apologize if this is a duplicate. I have two Rouen ducks almost 2 months old. I'm not certain if male or female but Petunia seems to have lines/deep groves on her neck. Should I be...
  13. hammond16

    Duckling leg problems.

    Hello! I'm looking for some advice about my little ducklings, they are approaching 2 months old and we're having some issues... We incubated some duck eggs a while back and sadly we only had 1 duckling make it out of the lot. So naturally we went to the farm store and bought 3 more ducklings so...
  14. fangedknight

    First timer Goose/Duck Mama!

    Hi guys! So I'm pretty familiar with chickens (this is my very first season having babies and watching them grow). So far we have my 20 Wyandottes that should be around 6 weeks +/- that are in the big brooder while the coop is still under construction. Well this week I added a few more additions...
  15. HolyDiverDucks

    5 drakes to 7 ducks-help!

    Hello! I've been lurking BYC since before I started raising some Rouen ducklings for family but finally decided it's time to post about an important question. Long story short, our 6 straight run Rouen Ducklings are now 9 weeks old and we have a ratio of 5 drakes to 1 female (terrible luck!!)...
  16. A

    Rouen ducks - show or production?

    How can you tell if you have show Rouens or production rouens? We have some that are about 5 weeks old that are getting adult feathers and already rather large, but I'm curious if it can be determined if they are show or production at this age. Thanks!
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