
  1. I

    Chickens face smells really bad, never normally this bad.

    I've got this silkie chicken that I've had for almost 5 years now, I've recently noticed(while picking her up) that her face absolutely stinks, at first I thought that maybe she needed a bath, but the rest of her body smells fine, its just her head, as I said I've had her for almost five years...
  2. K

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    At what point does wry neck, likely caused by an injury, become irreversible? We discovered our silkie in this condition early today. We've been giving her vitamin E and egg, but she's immobile, lying on her side, kicking in the air, with her eyes fluttering and neck curled under. When we hold...
  3. C

    What breed is this chicken? Silkie mix

    I got this chicken a couple months ago, with three other silkies. She has black feet, a black beak, and five toes. When she was younger she looked exactly the same as the silkies, and then lost the fluff. Until 2 months ago she had fluff on her neck as well. Does anyone have a chicken similar to...
  4. Mantou

    broody silkie keeps on sitting NEXT to eggs

    Hi all, my silkie Mantou has gone broody for the first time, but she seems more interested in sitting AROUND eggs rather than sitting ON any eggs... Some information: Approx ~30 weeks old Laid 25 eggs before getting broody on 20th May Laid 3 more eggs after that before going full-on broody...
  5. W

    Wry neck/blood in poop

    I had to treat my chicks this year with Corid twice, within a couple weeks. All seemed fine after the second round. A few days ago, one of my older hens found her way into the baby chick pen and terrorized the now 6-7 week old babies. The next day, I realized my silkie had wry neck. I have no...
  6. E

    coccidiosis? 2 week old silkie chicks.

    I just picked up five silkie chicks this morning, 2 weeks old. They went straight into the brooder. It looks like their stool is solid but watery (if that makes sense). The puppy pad absorbed a lot of liquid around the stool. Also it looks like I see some specks of red/orange in it. I can’t...
  7. M

    Anyone wanna guess?

    Anyone wanna guess the gender of my chicks? This is just for fun, I know they are too young to know right now. But for someone reason I think Wednesday is a Roo and the other two are hens. We have: Kiki- White Muffin- Lavendar Wednesday- Black It’s a nice warm day in NC so I let them outside...
  8. Jojociita

    Quick hatch, bulging pink “outie” belly button- under 2 hours old

    Hey hey again BYC! Today is internal pip day, however, I walked into the incubator room because of a LOUD cheep and realized that an egg (that had no pips an hour early nor was it moving or making noise) was 75% zipped. Within another 10 minutes, she was out. She looked like she pipped LOW but...
  9. Gladysandfriends

    Splash Silkie Chick?

    Hey all! I have a 6 week silkie chick that I was told was a splash. (S)he has remained the same colour since I got him/her at 3 days old. When do silkie chicks start to show their splash colour? Any thoughts on gender? I know it’s still young and 50/50 at this point, but wanted to see others...
  10. Gladysandfriends

    Silkie Colour/Gender inquiry?

    Hey everyone! Any thoughts on what colour this silkie is? Any thoughts on gender too? When I got her/him I was told she/he was a silver partridge, was grey with the brown/black chipmunk stripes as a small chick. Just over 7 weeks old.
  11. M

    Silkie chick with pasty butt and twitching

    I have three silkie chicks I’ve had them for about three days. Last night I noticed our chick, named Wednesday, was twitching her head more than the others do. This morning she had extreme pasty butt. I cleaned her and she had extreme pasty butt again about an hour later. Like rock hard and...
  12. M

    Strange colored Silkie

    We came across this cute little silkie today and had to bring it home with us since he was the only one and different. Just curious if anyone has one like it and what it might end up looking like when grown. Also enjoy our cute new sebrights 😊 Ps I know they are not the greatest pics, it'd bed...
  13. Alanna

    Silkie Chick Color Identification * Blue Partridge?*

    Hi All! I recently brought home this ADORABLE silkie chick from TSC 4 days ago. I’m completely in love with its colors. I’m not new to raising chickens, however somewhat novice with Silkies. Only had a couple throughout the years. I was hoping my fellow Silkie Lover Community could shed some...
  14. Happygocluckee

    I asked for a frizzle and got?

    I purchased some assorted bantams from my local feed store. I didn't actually pick them out but I was supposed to get 2 frizzles. So far only one is frizzling , while the other is ... Not. I have no idea what it is. It has 5 toes so maybe a silkie mix but there is no crest or blue "lobes"...
  15. Layla_Chickens


    I need help ASAP. I have this 1-2 year old silkie and she has been fine until now. This morning she was her usual active self, eating, drinking everything. I came back from school and I find her isolated and in position to lay, which isn't odd since she's a hen. But she stood up and pooped this...
  16. Queen_Imo

    Hi from Japan - my intro

    Hi there! Bethany joining from Shikoku, Japan. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m new! My husband and I hatched our own mail-order eggs in an incubator a few weeks ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 15! My husband went a little crazy with...
  17. T

    12 week hand raised silkie roos central Kentucky

    Hi! I have at least 4, possibly six young silkie cockerels to rehome. They’ve been hand raised and we spend a LOT of time holding them and cuddling with them. I really need to find them homes quickly, they’re starting to get very annoyed with each other! One of them has a curved beak, but he is...
  18. S

    1 day old chick legs turned out and bone showing. Please help!!

    Some silkies hatched yesterday and one more hatched today. He seemed to be doing fine just weaker than the others when he first hatched. Then we realized the other chicks were picking at him to the point of dragging him. We put the chicks in a brooder and put this one back in the incubator. We...
  19. E

    Still in incubator. Lethargic and splayed leg

    One of my silkies hatched but it has splay leg and seems lethargic. It has been in the incubator for 24 hrs now. I used vet wrap to make a splint for its legs but it still hasn’t walked. I tried sugar water and it seems to perk up for a second then lays back down. The other chicks went to a...
  20. Sky_Chickens

    Dead Silkie Hen

    Hi everyone! I want to start by saying this is probably the wrong place to put this ask but I really don’t know where else to put it I don’t use this very much but I couldn’t find any categories related to chicken death. I’m really sorry if this is in the completely wrong discussion zone...
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