sleeping outside

  1. M

    Combined flock not sleeping where they should

    I have three 2 yo hens and four young hens about 6 months old. I built a new coop for them and the older gals won’t sleep on the roosts, they just sleep on the floor of the coop. Their previous coop had the roosts only a few inches off the coop floor and now it’s about a foot off the ground. I...
  2. corkse01

    hawks, raccoons & cats...oh my.

    We are looking to add to our flock. Would you recommend chicks (again) or trying started pullets? Our family has had chickens since October 2016. Right now we have 5 girls. 1 Barred Rock, 2 Easter Eggers, 1 Cherry Egger, 1 Black Orpington. I've used BYC for a few years now, but never...
  3. aimwad

    Not sleeping in coop?

    Good morning! I'm still new here and still very new to chickens. I live in the city so I have a very small flock - just 3 8 week olds. They've been in their coop/run for a couple weeks now. Every night I've had to move them into the coop area. They seem to prefer to huddle together in a...
  4. ChickenLady&aRooster

    Chickens stopped sleeping inside

    Okay so looking for reasons to their craziness or help. I have 3 older pullets and Martin who always slept in their coop with no issues. We do now have 6 - 6 week old chicks who we have recently divided off a section of our run (its huge we expanded for them) so that they can all get used to...
  5. Then I Will

    Chicks not Roosting - 1st time having this issue

    Hi all, I've had about 8 years experience with chickens, but I'm only on my second coop. For the past week, I've been trying to train my 1-2 month old chicks to roost. I supplied a 2x4 mounted up about a foot on bricks as a transition until they get old enough to fly to the higher permanent...
  6. jma6004

    Sleeping in the Run

    I have had chickens for years but this is a new problem. I typically start my little ones off in a barn stall that is very secure for their protection. Once they are 10-12 weeks old, I move them to the main coop so they have more sunlight and ability to scratch and forage. I simply moved my 14...
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