
  1. ElGoose

    Are my 2 adult geese actually Steinbachers?

    We were new to geese when we moved to this house, and there were 2 on the land that used to be owned by an abusive squatter but they’ve taken really well to us! The guy who says he “owns” them (more like stole) illegally lives on the land next to us and is being taken away soon so we are...
  2. AGeese

    Tula / Steinbacher (Fighting) Goose Crosses

    Anyone out there know of any Tula or Steinbacher crosses? I'm pretty sure I've seen a Tula-cross somewhere online although no clue as to the actual lineage or accuracy of what I saw. May have been a Tula-African. I would think Steinbacher crosses would be a bit more common, but I've only found a...
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