
  1. Pearlescent

    Turkey Caruncles and Wattle variations??

    I’ve been noticing that as they grow, my turkeys caruncles and wattles are looking significantly different, they are all hens (as far as I know) and the only one I have doubts about is my big gray one (Golden Narraganset I believe) she has very large wattle and caruncles, just wanted to confirm...
  2. G

    Broad breasted white turkey health?

    A month and a half ago I got a turkey poult, unaware that white breasted turkeys aren’t good pets due to their health issues because they are meat birds. I love this little turkey and would like to keep her healthy and happy as long as possible. What can I do to make keep her healthy for as long...
  3. M

    HELP!!! Baby Turkey - Pulled Umbilical Cord

    So, my husband brought home two baby turkeys last night. I pulled what I thought was crusted poop, but my husband explained it was the umbilical cord. The baby bled quite a bit, and I feel horrible. My husband put pressure on it and stopped the bleeding. Nothing came out other than what I have...
  4. Zaphod 14

    Leg Problem with turkey poult

    I have a 3 week old heritage turkey poult with their right leg almost twisting, towards the left basically overlapping their left foot. I have not seen this issue before and can't seem to find information for it on any of the threads or online. This is my first year raising heritage turkeys and...
  5. Pearlescent

    What is my Turkey?

    I have a Turkey hen who is supposedly a Sweetgrass X Standard bronze, but I have reason to believe her mother was actually a midget white, from the photos of her mother and siblings. I am just curious as to what she is. I can’t find any pictures that look like her, she has white wing stripes...
  6. Pearlescent

    Pimpled Turkey egg?

    my Turkey hen is a big egg producer, she has been laying almost everyday for the last month. Today she layed an odd egg, it looked normal except for an extra thin shell that light shown through and on almost every dark brown spot on the egg, there were 2-5 white 3D bumps, felt rather pokey to...
  7. CyborgBabyMama20

    What is my Broad Breasted White Turkey sick with?

    My 6 week old WBT has been sick for a few days now. I have been trying to get her back on her feet and she is very resilient. Today when I let the birds out she was on her side, she lifted her head shakily and looked at me. I got her picked up and she stood in a corner. Her wings are droopy...
  8. T

    Male or female?

    Does anyone know what sex and color this heritage turkey is? I got this turkey from Porter’s on October 13, 2023. As a poult it was grey with a yellow breast similar to a slate.
  9. saracarver3

    My hen is so funny…

    My female Eastern turkey always acts like a male. Here is a wild Osceola and she literally did this for an hour with him. I was hoping she was going to let him mate, but no success! Anyone have an idea of why she is doing this? I don’t think she was trying to dominate him. Video attached.
  10. EggAndTofu

    Turkey lethargic due to peck wound?

    The wound is located on the back of her head, she has another smaller injury near the side of her face. I believe the cause was my older turkey hen. The wound itself is small, but it does seem pretty deep. I cant tell if it's bad or not since I don't have experience with these injuries. The...
  11. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    My 10-11 month old Turkey hen has been laying almost everyday for the last month. I have been taking her eggs every night, but I recently got her fake eggs to see if she’d sit on them. She sits on them daily, as well as lays an egg everyday, I usually have to remove her from the box. We don’t...
  12. A

    New here

    Hello hello! I am so excited to be joining this community! I am new to having poultry, so I’m learning each and every day. Supper excited to be part and learn. I do have a turkey question and wondering what’s the best way to ask a question.
  13. GordonSturrock

    damaged turkey snood

    Greetings! Great to bump into this group, looks very active. I care for and feed a handicapped wild turkey who has something wrong with his snood. Picture attached. Looks like some kind of bruise? It is darker colored than normal, looks a bit crusty or like a scab. Mostly on his snood, but also...
  14. JennieLamb

    Newly hatched poults can't stand, has floppy neck.

    HELP! We had 6 poults hatch out of 14 eggs, 2 died with in 90 min and 2 others can't seem to stand up. They keep shooting their legs strait out and pushing themselves along the bottom of the brooder on their sides. Their heads seem a little floppy too. I looked up wry neck and this doesn't seem...
  15. W

    Turkey hen playing dead?

    Today I came home to my turkey hen sitting in the nesting box, motionless, her face smooshed up to the corner of the wall (I couldn’t even see her head), legs splayed out abnormally. She looked dead. I called for my husband. We cautiously approached the motionless bird. Then she blinked and we...
  16. MamaPoult

    Slightly dumb turkey questian.

    Hi guys! So super quick questian for you all. My turkey jake's snood appears to be getting a bit dry (it is super dry where I live). You know when your hands are just a tad bit dry and they look kinda course and white and flaky? That's about what he has. It probably wont even show up in a pic...
  17. aliciawrenn

    Blood clot-Who, why, emergency?

    Found this large blood clot on the coop floor this morning. The other image is a smaller clot just cropped photo. We have 20 hens, 3 roosters, 1 female turkey and one Tom turkey. The Tom does not sleep in the coop and rarely goes in. Any idea how to determine who this came from as no one is...
  18. JennieLamb

    Bourbon Red Heritage Hatching Eggs

    Hi everyone, So after our BBB Turks sudden escape/disappearance around the 7 week mark, we decided to get Bourbon Red Heritage Turks. So they came in around early July, and started laying Monday March 11th. So, first, it doesn't matter how clean the boxes are, it's been muddy and they're MESSY...
  19. C

    Turkey with punctured trachea

    My sweet tom Brad was attacked through the fence by my parents dog last night. Lots of blood and a snoring sound with breathing. Went to vet first thing this am and he has a punctured trachea Has anyone ever dealt with this?? The vet advised against surgery and says the hope is it will close...
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