
  1. JamieMcClain

    Prolapse in duckling

    I have a 3 day blue Swedish female duckling that has a prolapse vent. I’ve tried sugar and preparation H but it keeps coming back out after awhile. Anything I can do to keep it in? All the vets around us are out for the holiday. I’ve taken her away from her siblings which she’s very upset about...
  2. T

    Wasting away - help needed urgently

    I am at a loss...and just don't know what to do now. We have a grown bourbon red hen turkey that has the following symptoms... She was laying eggs until about a week or so ago. I didn't notice any egg binding or prolapse that needed treatment during this time. We first noticed a full crop...
  3. R


    Hi there my 1 year old hen has started getting a little bit of a poopy but the last few days and today i checked and she has this sticking out of her vent. It is hard and almost looks like maybe a malformed egg? I put some gloves on and tried to see what was going on and it seems to be stuck...
  4. DoubleYolk123

    Vent gleet, and a flock prone to issues/diseases

    Hi, so I have a small flock on my back garden who just seem to always get sick I’ve had them coming up a year, and we’ve already spent a couple of hundred pounds on vet bills. They’ve had parasites, they now have vent gleet, and they’ve seen the vets twice already now. First it was new chickens...
  5. G

    (GRAPHIC IMAGE) Help Needed, Family Member's Chicken Had Severe Vent Prolapse

    Hi guys, we need some pretty urgent help regarding a chicken, the local vet wasn't much help as they basically said that the vent needs to go back inside or the chicken put down, but we're really struggling to get it back in. We think the large intestine has also come out of her as we can see...
  6. Bloo

    Cloaca Scab Injury Bloody Swollen Vent

    One of my silkies has a scab on her butt. It seams to lead inside her cloaca so when she dose an egg it bleeds a tiny bit. She seams fine in her self otherwise and is still laying and has been for 9 months. Ive considered using a poultry wound spray but as the injury is in a sensitive area im...
  7. Lovem all

    Mucus coming out of vent

    Hi, I have a ten year old barred rock hen named combs. It has been months since the last time she layed, and the last time she became egg bound. Yesterday she spent most of her morning in the egg box but seemed fine and left without laying. When I went to feed the chickens dinner I found her in...
  8. prestoconfuoco

    Bloody feathers/sticky around vent -- coccidiosis or something else?

    Hi all, One of my little ISA browns has these bloody/sticky feathers around her vent. The vent itself looks fine -- I don't see any prolapse or anything -- but you can see there is dark blood stuck around the vent and on the feathers, with some of the feathers hanging down and bloody. My first...
  9. C

    Help, bloody egg/vent?

    I have a hen who seems to be trying to pass a bloody egg or something. Does anyone know what is going on here and what I should do? She’s drinking water with vitamins added. She seems to be straining. We are building a separate place for her in the coop right now so she can get some space...
  10. sitamay

    My little hen and her vent - help

    Good morning. This is my first post. I am attaching photos. Not sure if this is gleet or something else. Peace's poops all look normal but her fluffy down feathers are missing and there is encrusted yellow/white on lower portion of her vent. I have been giving epsom salt baths and O3 cream...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mysteriously Messy Bum

    Everyone knows that one of the telltale signs of a healthy hen is a nice fluffy bottom. I recently noticed my 21 month old ISA brown hen has a weirdly messy bottom. Here's the thing: it's not right around her vent but actually under it by a couple inches. Upon checking her vent itself, it looked...
  12. CooperMonkey

    Prolapse vent with scab?

    I’m dealing with our first prolapse and we’re on day 3. She still seems fine except for the prolapse (perky, wanting food, etc). I’ve been doing all the stuff: soak. Epsom. Sugar. Hydrocortisone. Vetricyn. It will stay in a bit longer now, but it still pops out when she poops. It was initially...
  13. SouthCoastEasterEgger

    Having trouble sexing adult Coturnix Quail

    So I've hatched out a few batches of Coturnix Quail, I have varying ages now- all at least 7 weeks old up to 20 weeks old. Some are from other breeders, and the last batch was from eggs of my own. For my first hatch, at about 7-8 weeks I was able to vent sex using the foam that males produce...
  14. toofacedcutie

    2+ week old chick vent swollen and pulsating??

    so basically my mother acquired a baby chicken from a poultry shop because they did not want it, i don’t know the exact breed but im sure they’re a little bit older or around 2 weeks old due to the feathers. i have never owned a chick before so this is a first time experience. as for daily care...
  15. lbgreenfield

    Bumblefoot & Worms

    Hi there. I've written about my 4.5 year old California White (Dolly) having a re-occurring bumblefoot problem (that is still on-going) and I now believe she may also have worms. Symptoms are described below: 1. Flopped over comb and pale-ish face (see comparison photo). Her comb started to...
  16. H

    Vent Gleet Help!!

    Hi all. So I have a 2-year-old Partridge Olive Egger hen who has had chronic diarrhea for at least the last couple of months. It almost comes out in a stream and her vent is almost always dirty. At first I thought that that was just her, but after a little more research, I’m pretty sure she has...
  17. Celeeste

    Do I have to clean dried poop off of chicks butt if vent is clearly open?

    We recently got three new chicks, a Rhode Island Red, Golden Comet, and a Light Brahama. Our light brahma has had poop stuck on his down feathers below his vent which I can see opening and closing when I touch it, should I try and clean that poop off or can I just leave him. I assume they get...
  18. StopTheWorldIWantToGetOff

    Hen with dirty vent, mustard colour poos. Advice pls!

    First time chicken keeper, so please bear with me! :confused: I collected 3 rescue hens 5 days ago - so I am assuming they are around 18 months old. One of them clearly has a health problem, but I am not sure what it is. She appears to have no feather loss apart from her tail and around her...
  19. K

    Henrietta clenching her bottom

    Hello, New to the chicken world and lacking in appropriate chicken terminology, so I apologize in advance. We have a very pretty silver laced Wyandotte hen, 22 weeks, and she has been extra loud this week (I thought it was from the heat, high 80s/90s), but then the past few days I saw what...
  20. H

    Clear Liquid Coming From Hen’s Vent!!

    Hi all, I have a 2-year-old Partridge Olive Egger named Jennie who has recently been re-introduced to our other two hens following an injury from our rooster that she had to recover from. Today when I was holding her I realized that she was leaking a clear, odorless fluid from her vent. It...
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