2 minute scrambled eggs, really easy


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Paulding County Georgia
So you take two to four eggs (more if small eggs) and scramble them in a regular coffee cup.
nuke for one minute
scramble again.
add salt and pepper
nuke 1 to 1 1/2 minutes
scramble again,
they are done!
If you want cheese, add it after you pour the eggs out of the cup...

clean the cup first. If you wipe it out with a paper towel immediately, nothing will stick.

the only thing you got dirty was a cup and a fork.
I do this too!! Quick and easy way to make them for my kids who are constantly starving it seems. I add milk too and whip it up, sometimes it almost comes out like this puffy souffle thing!
I used to do that when I worked away from the house & in a hurry... 1 thing I did learn.... put a paper towel over the coffee cup. every once & a while it will POP!! & egg will go every where
i do this almost every day for my parrots breakfast!...
...he loves when i add the cheese!!...i have also added all kinds of veggies in it for him..it really is a great idea!!..also..if you use a small bowl...it will puff up in a (sort of) circle..great for egg sandwiches!!..
I will have to try this when I get a new Microwave. Mine bit the dust this week after over 10 years of use.
They sure don't make them to last anymore... I had a great old one, with just the single dial timer, which I bought at a garage sale while I was in college 16 years ago. My mother "traded" a new one for my old one so she could give it to my grandpa, because it's so easy to use and he melted four tea pots since he's nearly deaf as a stone. Well, the one she gave me died within a year. I got a new one to replace it, and it was DOA. I exchanged that one for one that lasted just over a year. I'm on my fourth new microwave in three years, while my old one is still working over at grandpa's.
Well, this was my second microwave. I bought my first one in 1983 and it lasted 15 years. I definitely got my money's worth out of it. I keep washing machines like that too. The ones I have now are 15 years old
My DH discovered this microwave trick to save time, but there's been a few mornings when no time was saved!

Be careful! This is what can happen if you leave it in too long, or you don't stir it enough, or you don't stir it at all, or...



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