A New Member

#1California Chick

11 Years
Dec 5, 2008
SF Bay Area

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I don't have any chickens YET!! I have become TOTALLY addicted to this site!!

I want to get some day old chicks (from a feed store - since I can only have about 6 hens in my town) after the first of the year.

Given my relatively mild climate, how soon can I put them out into a coop (what temp?? How many weeks old??) (I am prepared to start them out in a extra large dog crate in a bathroom or the garage - but I am not sure how the rest of the family will cooperate!! -- I mean -my teen daughters wont allow me to have worms in a container under the sink!! But I have three boxes full of worms in the yard!!

I think that the Deep Litter method is where I would go for the coop. I intend to have a dirt-based run. Can I use the "deep litter" idea here too? I was thinking that until I (or my DH) actually get around to building the coop and run next spring I could start "preparing" the run area by piling on leaves, manure, etc. I was thinking that this would give a good start to the "scratching" area since I would not be able to let my chicks "free range". There is a hawk that hangs out in my yard. Once the rains start (could be another month or so -- this IS California), I was thinking that I would scatter the area with grass seed -- so there would be plenty of "greens" when my chicks moved in.

Anything else I should thing about??

I am SO EXCITED to begin!!

Hey Cindy!

It's about time we got the #1 California Chick! I was getting sick and tired of all the posers like debiraymond...
(oh, no he didn't!)

You might check out some of the coop designs here on BYC. The local stores won't have baby chicks for a few more months. You could get a headstart on them and build the coop first in the mean time. It's much easier to have every thing ready to begin with. You can put a heat lamp on them in the coop and not mess with litter in the house.

Welcome to BYC and I'm sure you'll find everything you need here!


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