Adding square footage to cattle panel hoop coop


Free Ranging
Jul 13, 2020
Southern Arizona
If you wanted to add more square footage to an existing four panel hoop coop, and you could only add it to the sides and not the ends, how would you do it?

This design adds one 4'x8' rectangle to each side, adding a total of 64 sq ft, but it requires cutting 36" holes in the 50" wide cattle panels. Would that significantly compromise the strength of the cattle panels?

hoopcoop - Copy.jpg
Attaching the tposts and a solid connection(a board?) at top of openings should keep it pretty stable.
Will the extensions also be made of livestock panels?
I suppose that in AZ you are not dealing with snow loads(unless you live in the mountains).
Yeah, the extensions would be made of cattle panels. Basically a 8'x4'x4' (LxWxH) box on each side. We only get an inch or two of snow each year, if that.

I'm not thrilled about the extensions. We can't build a hoop coop longer than 16' feet and anything we add to it has to be <5'.

By adding two side extensions we could at least get the rake in there to clean it out and if really we had to, we could crawl inside to pick up mislaid eggs or a hurt chicken, but I'm not at all happy at the prospect of a coop I can't comfortably move around all parts in.
Changing regulations and an anonymous person somewhere around our neighborhood who doesn't like us (which could be almost anyone, we live in a bad area).
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