At what age to feed live fish?


Oct 24, 2018
Hi lovely people!

My Muscovy babies are 3 weeks tomorrow and getting big fast! We had our first bath tub swim yesterday as opposed to their shallow kiddy pool and they LOVED diving down to the bottom! I’d love to get them some small feeder fish but just afraid they’re too young for those still. At what age did my fellow duck people start feeding live fishies to their babies?

Thank you!

One of my babies
Feeder fish are great protein and exercise for growth! Can't wait to see that video! I would leave one of my duck eating feeder fish but an almost full grown duck murdering a tub of fish by ripping all their heads off and then eating the dead bodies, is just not as cute! :lau:gig

OMG such murderous behavior from something so cute :lau

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