Baby chick can't lift his head


Hatching Helper
14 Years
Jun 13, 2009
Diamond, Ohio
I have a baby chick that just hatched and he keeps holding his head to the ground, he's not standing just keeps falling over... he's not has noisy as the other 4 chicks. What can I do for him?
Sometimes a chick needs a little longer to get up and going. If it just hatched, leave it in the incubator and keep an eye on it for a while. If it doesn't improve, you can try some sugar water to give it a boost.

Edited to add: Make sure it is not getting trampled by other chicks.
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Try putting drops of slightly warmed sugar water on its beak (not near the nostrils). You can offer a little bit of scrambled egg yolk but it may be too soon for it to eat. Poly-vi-sol baby vitamins are also offered to chicks with failure to thrive and work well.

Start with sugar water. I am far from an expert on this so searching "weak baby chick" will pull up more info.

Sometimes treatment works and sometimes it doesn't. So be prepared for the worse. I will be hoping for the best.
i have him cupped in my hand holding his head up, i gave him some sugar water im holding him up so he doesnt gasp and the water goes down smoothly. i noticed his eyes r not opening
I'm thinking my baby chick has wry neck, what do you give baby chicks for this and how much? The only thing I have in my house right now is Fish oil, should I give him some. The pharmacy here doesn't open up for another 3 hours, Does anyone have any advice and what I should do in the mean time? His by himself, it's hard to look at him because he just looks like hes struggling soo hard. He is also a Buff Silkie, if that matters at all. Please someone help me, this is my first Buff Silkie since the raccoons got my girl 2 years ago..
sometimes it takes longer for the little ones to get started. I had one from a hatch that took 3 days for him to get up on his feet and going I really didnt think he would make it, but now he is a fine little cockrel. I would rub some electrolye/vitamin water along his beak and some would get into him. I worried in his weakend condition if I dipped his beak or did drops he might drown. And sometimes they just dont make it. kepping my fingers crossed your little one makes it.
OK so I went to the store just as soon as they opened got me some Vitamin E and Electroyle solution, rushed home and gave just a tiny small amount to my buff. Waiting a few minutes and gave him a little bit more, he really likes the water solution. ha ha ha. Didn't care much for the Vitamin E, however, 30 minutes later the little guy is starting to use his neck. He doesn't have full control over it yet but he is trying to lift it. I hope he can continue to pull threw..

Just checked on him right now, HUGE IMPROVEMENT, he is looking up at me and chirping. OH MY GOSH, this is wonderful...

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