Broody hen aggression towards chicks


Jul 13, 2023
Pittsburgh county, OK
I have a broody hen who has eggs hatching right now and her first chick she takes care of and keeps warm and is sweet to it but when I put a light on and she sees it’s not an egg she’s mean to it I put it in my brooder room with a towel to cuddle and food with some water with pebbles so it’s not deep. She seems scared of it and I’ve read they get scared of the first chick but on the second one they figure it out. She’s a first time broody and she has took care of it till it dried.
She has eight and is not thrilled she pushed away the ones 3 days older than hers and took her baby plus the two the same color as her baby and won’t let the others near without picking them up. She doesn’t hurt them she just lightly bites and lifts and puts down away from her.
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