Can you buy broiler eggs and incubate them?


10 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Iv only done meaties once. I got them cheap, $1.25 each and they were vaccenated. I just ordered a incubator and it got me thinking, Can you buy meatie eggs? Its hardly worth it, but my kids will probably like to see them hatch. Has anyone else done this or are you better off buying them hatched so their vaccinated?
Theres no were I know were you can buy the eggs you have to have te hens lay them themselves which is kinda hard to do by they being broilers but some people on here have done it.
I have a friend who owns a chicken processing plant, he also supplys all his growers with chicks, so he buys eggs from someone in Arkansas but of course he gets them by the thousands.
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Nature's hatchery sells broiler hatching eggs. If you already have vaccinated birds, you'll have to continue with vaccinated birds. Hatcheries use live vaccines so birds are carriers for life and can infect non-vaccinated birds they come in contact with.
If this statement causes you to be concerned research the matter further. You will find the information above to be incorrect.

I do not know of any Class B hatchery (mailorder) that has their own breeder flocks for broilers. The eggs they use are normally shipped to them so they would be reshipping those eggs to you. There are hatcherys located very close to broiler integraters that supply them with hatching eggs from the neighborhood. Meyer's is one that I know of that in the past has been able to get the broiler eggs from a very close by producer. I do not know if Meyer's sells hatching eggs.
If this statement causes you to be concerned research the matter further. You will find the information above to be incorrect.

I do not know of any Class B hatchery (mailorder) that has their own breeder flocks for broilers. The eggs they use are normally shipped to them so they would be reshipping those eggs to you. There are hatcherys located very close to broiler integraters that supply them with hatching eggs from the neighborhood. Meyer's is one that I know of that in the past has been able to get the broiler eggs from a very close by producer. I do not know if Meyer's sells hatching eggs.

I actually quoted the wrong person, I don't worry about the vaccines, any layers I buy come from Meyer as chicks and they only medicate if you ask. I don't know if Meyer sells the eggs, I have to go in this week, I will ask when I go in, and let everyone know.
I vaccinate horses using live vaccine--after 30 days quarintine they can be mixed with other horses and are not infectious. Revacination doesn't require another quarentine. This is how live vaccines work. All vaccines are intended to prevent passing on disease. Hope this helps.

THe chicks I bought I had vaccinated for Merecks, not sure of spelling, and coccidiosis. I'm a fan of vaccinations as a method of reducing infections rather than using feed with antibiotics. But having said this, I can only find one hatchery that vaccinates for coccidia. That is McMurray. I want to buy from other hatcheries to get the varieties I want, McMurry doesn't have all the one I would like to have. Any one know how I can vaccinate myself or a hatchery that does?

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