Can you wash a frizzle?


12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
Eaton, Ohio
We are getting ready for fair, have heard yes to this and no to this.
Need more info, lol!
Can we wash the frizzle?
Thanks all,
Here in Florida we are told if you want to compete for show, you MUST enter a clean bird...which definately means washing your bird....

...if two birds are competing for best in show and one is clean and the other is not...clean bird wins! It also makes your bird familiar with handling, people, new situations....things a judge likes to see..
Thanks, but we need to know if a frizzle actually "can" be washed.
Have been told to not wash them it will ruin their feathers.
We don't want to ruin the feathers if it is a breed that should not be actually washed.
Hope that makes sense.
It shouldn't ruin their feathers. I have seen them washed and blown dry for shows and they turn out beautifully! (I am expecting 8 in the mail next week...woo hoo!)

If you think about it, if the rain can ruin 'em, their good....
We decided against it just in case, and.............

She got 3rd place in her class of feather legged bantams pullets under 1 year!! (So I guess it didn't hurt her- she was clean though and we kept her feet clean.)

My daughter also got a 1st place for her Americana <SP> Roo under 1 year with other type comb.
And she placed 4th with her white rock hen under 1 year.

Not bad for a first year poultry showing youth! Yipee!

My other daughter got 1st place in showmanship for her age division, 1st year for her as well!

We had a darn good year!
Thanks all!

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