Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Since you asked! Things have been a little rough here. I'm feeling like a mediocre chicken tender at the moment. My flock of mostly production reds and EE's close to or over 3 yrs old is dwindling. I had a lice infestation that took out one of my girls.
Last year I had about 30 chickens and lots of eggs! I'm down to about 20 now and collecting maybe 7 eggs a day, 10 on a good day.
My production hens have really slowed down. I get more colored eggs than brown these days.
I do however have 9 chicks, 6 reds and 3 cuckoo marans, who will be ready to go off heat in a couple weeks. I am looking forward to getting them outside!
Lastly, my hens have been ruthlessly pecking the feet of my Buff Brahma girls to the point where I have had to remove the beautiful brahmas from the rest of the flock. I am considering re-homing them at this point.
I hope ya'll are having a better time at it!
Hiya, and thanks for popping in. For lice/mites, most folks use Permethrin powder or spray for their chickens and the coop. We treat our coop monthly with FG diatomaceous earth just to keep on top of it.

As for your feet pecking chickens, usually pecking comes from being overcrowded or low protein diet. If you want to try up their protein for a week before you rehome them, you'd find out if that's the issue. All flock feed is higher but you'd need to supply oyster shell in a separate dish as it's higher protein, lower calcium.

Good luck!!
Hello! thanks for checking in. I'm just in a complete puzzlement because my silkie hens refuse to lay. I'v had them for a year and a half now!
thanks for checking in!

Make sure that they have good layer feed, plenty of fresh water and that they do not have parasites.

Hens are fickle with egg laying. I have had some hens go a long time without laying eggs.
Thank you for checking in. I usually peruse when I have a problem to look into so I’m glad there are so many others that posts and help out. My first 6 hens are still around although I’m getting about 4 eggs per day now on average. There’s 1-2 bullies and still trying to figure out how to help the lone hen at the bottom of the order because she’s losing feathers and with expose skin. They basically mount her often. We are in New England and they are in the garden now helping me to prep it for the summer and enjoying the worms. My 2 year old greets them as “pok pok” as she helps me. I am enjoying every bit of things so far. Thanks again BYC.
Hiya, and thanks for popping in.

Do you have excess roosters or are the hens doing this? A higher protein feed like All Flock may help with the feather pecking plus help her grow them back faster. If it's all of them vs her, I'd consider pulling her out but if it's one main meany, that's the one I'd put elsewhere for a week or two and the pecking order might reset.
Hi All. Actually, trying to get a rooster and our hens to cooperate in making new chicks, but the hens won't sit on the eggs. Any ideas?

After some effort we seem to have finally found a predator proof system and haven't lost a hen in months! It involves a 7-foot tall run fence and a tight coop.
Thanks for the update!

It sounds like predator proofing is going well.

Lots of breeds do not go broody much. Many folks think it has to do with breeding for egg laying--hens lay a lot less eggs if they go broody.

Try adding 6 or so decoy eggs to a nest that is nice and dark.
Thanks for reaching out. :) I am still a sustainability teacher & still running the school farm & chicken coop. My own home flock currently consists of 9 hens & our rooster, Willow. Plus we now have a Turkey called Colin too. I still browse the forums regularly for chook & now turkey advice & it's all as informative as always! View attachment 3813359

Welcome back! Colin is gorgeous. Pop by the Century of Turkey Talk thread and say hello; it's where I always go to get turkey advice :)
Hi, love BYC! It's super busy here @StrongWellFarms, prepping gardens, tending seedlings in the plant room, continuing to grow sprouts (corn, alfalfa, mung bean, pea) inside for all the chickens and ducks, and very importantly, incubating Ameraucanas and Welsh Harlequins while anticiping the arrival of this year's meat birds. We are also clearing land to expand our acreage under fence by another 5 acres or so (the LGDs are SUPER-excited), piling up the wood against next year's heating season, prepping pastures for this year's pigs which will arrive in a month or so, and building a new coop and bigger area for the turkeys among other things LOL. Love to hear what everyone else is busy at too: yay, Spring!

Sounds like a ton of work!

I'm also gearing up for spring. Starting to build breeding pens for my Ko Shamo bantams, building a new coop for the chickens and turkeys, and hatching eggs like crazy.
Hello y'all, I have not got anything exciting going on lately. Rather, I have been selling away my chickens to their future forever homes to lower my flock numbers. But suprisingly, 2 of my hens have just gone broody with 6 eggs each during my sales, so I decided to re-experience the fun of raising chickies again!! Thank you for reaching out to me, I don't usually go online here often

Congrats on the broodies! It's always fun to watch them hatch and raise the chicks - and nice not to have to deal with brooders either, haha.
Very thoughtful of you to message and find out what we've been up to! We no longer own our own hens. My hubby and I found the perfect home for them - hey went to a loving new family.. it was just the best, because we were able to go see them in their new home and have received updates from time to time! We cared for 7 hens (as part of a house sit) for 6 months. It was wonderful to have hens in our life again.. our girls were like children to us, so we named all these girls.. although, we weren't able to spend much time with them (as we were minding a gorgeous dog who needed our attention all the time!).. we're still enjoying the eggs from our house sit (haha I was stock-piling). The family were so happy with a few changes upon our return! Introducing a much needed feeder (opens when the chickens stand on it).. plus I was also adding crushed up (cooked/baked) egg shells to the girls diet! Hope you're all well xx

Thanks for popping back in to say hi! Sounds like the flock you were chicken-sitting really benefited from your time with them :)
Down to 9 very assorted hens this year (6 yr old faverolles and pekin; 4 yr fav; 2x3 yr old Campines; 3x3yr old cream leg bars) kept in large 36'x9'x6' cage. 3-6 eggs a day which is enough for us to share with family. 2 unexpected sudden deaths early this year - could be related to coming into lay, or (much less likely) rat poison or yew hedge cuttings. I used to let them free range in back garden but stopped this year because of yew hedge and regular visits from fox, so have increased green food (spinach, chard, sorrel) and move around the 'hen furniture' in the cage. Jack Russell puppy also keeps them amused (from outside cage, although he keeps his distance). Hoping to restock next year - with faverolles my second favourite breed and/or Ancona if I can find some. Last Ancona bantam Popsy died age 10 last year.

Sorry about your losses :(

It does sound like you have quite the assortment! Good luck with the flock additions next year! Favs are a great breed. I love their fluffy faces and coloring.

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