Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

It's been busy at the West family homestead and the school where I work. We just completed a hatch at the school with eggs from my home flock and are currently enlarging our run and coop to accept these chicks into my school flock.

My home flock is doing great and LOVING the spring weather and the green sprouts around the yard.

I have now been deemed the crazy chicken lady, and I'm proudly wearing that hat. 👒🐥

Wishing you all the best day! Keep clucking!
Great pictures! Thank you for letting us know. ❤️ That's so cool you can bring your eggs to school to hatch!!
I follow your posts regularly. The latest one on egg eaters has been very helpful. I have 19 hens and 4 roosters one of which will be dinner soon. I also have 2 hens that are brooding. One hen is brooding in the favorite nesting box so she is chased off every time someone else wants to lay. LOL 🐓
I sure know what you mean about broody hens as I've got them often.

Thanks for checking in! Good to know all is well!

When I joined this community, I started with 8 hens, and now I’m down to 4. Some were old and couldn’t take the heat, even though I did all the things. I’m hoping to get 4-5 pullets soon (as I don’t really have the space or mental capacity to raise chicks) so I’m excited that will be happening soon! My chicks are: Barbeque, Crispy, Spicy and Fried. We feel we want the next batch to be: Lemon, Orange, Teriyaki and Baked. Thanks for checking in!
:frow Hiya!

I love your chicken names. :gig
Happy chicken times. We do have one that is roosting and we have to get her out of the nesting box every day. Other than that, everything is going well.
Hiya! :frow

That hen is probably broody, meaning she wants to sit/hatch eggs. They'll do that for about three weeks, then go off like nothing ever happened.

Thanks for popping in! ❤️
Coming to 2 years with birds. I've incubated a clutch of 5 with Silkie genes, and they were all killed one night by a weasel at 8 wks, while at the same time, a new clutch of 13 hatched. 9 hens 1 roo in one run. 5 roos by themselves, and 2 egg eaters sequestered and fertilizing a flower bed for a couple more weeks before they find their way to the pot. All in all, these homestead companions continue to teach me every day and I'm most grateful to be here with them all day.
Ugh, so sorry about the silkies! That had to be devastating given their age especially! 1/2" hardware cloth wherever they can get in can keep them out.

I'm glad you have others doing well. Thanks for the update! ❤️

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