Chick has pipped but not zipped


In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2023
Hiya! First time hatching, i’m a day past their planned hatch date and have 3 chicks that pipped and zipped no problem, but the last one is having trouble.
It had pipped in the early morning yesterday but made no progress since then, its beak just sticking out of the airhole gasping. I waited a day and today peeled back some of the shell to find the membrane shrink-wrapped around it with only its beak poking through.
Where do i go from here? Im giving it time right now to try and bust through the membrane now that the shell is gone but how do i help it going forward? I really want to make sure this chick lives.
Hiya! First time hatching, i’m a day past their planned hatch date and have 3 chicks that pipped and zipped no problem, but the last one is having trouble.
It had pipped in the early morning yesterday but made no progress since then, its beak just sticking out of the airhole gasping. I waited a day and today peeled back some of the shell to find the membrane shrink-wrapped around it with only its beak poking through.
Where do i go from here? Im giving it time right now to try and bust through the membrane now that the shell is gone but how do i help it going forward? I really want to make sure this chick lives.
Hi, not sure what your outcome was with yours but I had the exact same situation with my egg. I made the decision to help it out after a day and a half of the beak poking out and gasping. It was in bad shape, membrane and dried veins stuck like glue to him. He cleaned up and fluffed up but had a leg deformity which was preventing him from zipping. We had to cull it today and I feel pretty sick about it now. Retrospect, I wish I wouldn’t have assisted. Never again 😕. I really hope you had a better outcome.
Hi, not sure what your outcome was with yours but I had the exact same situation with my egg. I made the decision to help it out after a day and a half of the beak poking out and gasping. It was in bad shape, membrane and dried veins stuck like glue to him. He cleaned up and fluffed up but had a leg deformity which was preventing him from zipping. We had to cull it today and I feel pretty sick about it now. Retrospect, I wish I wouldn’t have assisted. Never again 😕. I really hope you had a better outcome.
Don't give up at least you tried there was nothing you could have done about the foot and anyway that won't always happen
Don't give up at least you tried there was nothing you could have done about the foot and anyway that won't always happen
I agree
It’s not always the case on why they can’t zip out. I have many assists that had nothing wrong with them other then their egg was to small for them to move to hatch properly
That was over 1.5 years ago and they are still going strong
But I have helped one that had a neck issue and after 4 weeks I made the choice to have it out down as quality of life wasn’t ever going to be there
That was very hard on me as it was my little sidekick after 24/7 care for that month
I understand that hurt 😞

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