Chicken-like screaming at night??

Pumpkin the rooster

In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2018
About an hour ago, I could hear like a scream from one of my bantams, it sounded like my hen, but the more I thought about it, it actually sounded like the bantam roo
I go outside to investigate, but the chickens are 100% undisturbed, no reaction, all were on their roost
I later check the surrounding area, with no animals.
Although we do have many neighborhood cats-that scream every once in a while for now reason- it sounded nothing like a cat, but a bantam chicken.
Are there any wild animals that sound similar to chickens like that?
I assume they got scared by a pest, like a mouse, or a predator, like a cat or stray dog.
One night I heard the girls upset, went out all is quiet, on close inspection I find an opossum snuggled in a corner, did not take me long to return with a pow pow and end the attack.
It could be a screech owl a small owl about the size of a Robbin. A horrible sound. But wild cats have a scream during mating season, do you have bobcat in your area also coyotes mimic other sounds to entice there victim.
To attract a mate Red Foxes scream like someone being murdered. Red Foxes are also rutting at this time of year. If you ever hear it it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. About 45 years ago two good old boys of my acquaintance were trying to spotlight a deer and a fox started screaming in the dark. These two intrepid deer slayers dropped their spot light and their gun then beat a hasty retreat out of Dodge. I almost shot them when I woke and found someone frantically trying to get into my house. Luckily I recognized their voices before I pulled the trigger.
To attract a mate Red Foxes scream like someone being murdered. Red Foxes are also rutting at this time of year. If you ever hear it it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. About 45 years ago two good old boys of my acquaintance were trying to spotlight a deer and a fox started screaming in the dark. These two intrepid deer slayers dropped their spot light and their gun then beat a hasty retreat out of Dodge. I almost shot them when I woke and found someone frantically trying to get into my house. Luckily I recognized their voices before I pulled the trigger.
Agree awful sounds. Add my local fishers and I don't spend much time outside at night. Awful sounding things. Scares the dogs.

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