Chicken standing still with eyes closed


Apr 30, 2024
Hello all!

This is my first time posting here. I quite often come across this site while doing research regarding my mums chickens. We've noticed something wrong with one of her chickens, so I thought I could ask here to get some advice to help her! Any advice that I could pass on would be great :) Just as a heads up (its probably relevant for the post), we live in Australia, its quite cold here at the moment since its autumn. It will get colder in winter.

Bare with me, I will do my best to answer the questions from the guidelines!

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)

I believe my mum said Rhode island red. not sure of the weight! and age is around 2 months.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

She stands in one spot with her eyes closed, doesn't move around like she usually would. She's puffed up and her tail is pointing downwards. Even when the other chickens kinda walk into her or move around her she keeps her eyes closed and doesn't really move. Usually when I'm the one trying to pick any of them up they try to get away but she just let me pick her up and hold her...

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?

Just today, I believe.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?


5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

No, not that my mum or I could see or feel.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.

We're not too sure. We did have another chicken (my mum referred to her as leg lady) which had complications while it was hatching (she came out foot first and got a bit stuck, had splayed legs and grew slower and not as big as the others). She passed last week, we're not sure if she was sick she didnt show any signs other than being puffed up. So we assumed because of her complications and size, she maybe failed to thrive and/or passed from cold stress. The chicken currently sick hatched around the same time as leg lady and the two were kept in a separate brooding cage before being integrated with the other three. So my mums not sure if its related to her mate leg lady passing or if she's sick.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.

she doesn't seem to be eating or drinking on her own.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.

Upon moving her inside, she pooped once it was a very tiny amount and was yellow/green? I believe from some research I did that's a good indication of illness.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

So far, I've moved her inside for my mum so she can be monitored and in case she is sick to stop it spreading. I think for today, my mum would like to just monitor her and see how she will go.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?

For now, I think mum wants to attempt things at home. I suggested taking her down to the vet in case she is sick, not sure if she will take that route just yet.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

I don't have a picture of her, but can take one and post when I get home.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use

Outside, the chickens have a cage/coop from egglu (i think thats what its called), it doesn't have roosting bars but does have a tray with slats for their poop. There is a second coop at the other end of the run, they haven't slept in there overnight but I believe they have gone inside to the roosting part during the day.

Inside, we've had to make do with my dogs cage which I emptied, and put some of the wood dust in for the chicken. She's too big for the brooding cage, and the other pen/cage my mum had made up has been taken down.

The information may not be the best, I tried to provide as much as I could. any advice I could pass on would be greatly appreciated!! any other questions I can do my best to answer :)

Thank you!
This sounds to me like coccidiosis, but usually that affects more than one chicken when they're kept together. Since this just started today, watch the rest of them close.

Do you have Corid there or something with amprolium? It wouldn't hurt to put them all on this in case that's what it is.

In the meantime, to get her to at least eat something, I'd try chopped up scrambled eggs, some electrolyte water, and make her a dish of her starter with water so it makes a mash about the consistency of oatmeal.
This sounds to me like coccidiosis, but usually that affects more than one chicken when they're kept together. Since this just started today, watch the rest of them close.

Do you have Corid there or something with amprolium? It wouldn't hurt to put them all on this in case that's what it is.

In the meantime, to get her to at least eat something, I'd try chopped up scrambled eggs, some electrolyte water, and make her a dish of her starter with water so it makes a mash about the consistency of oatmeal.
The other three seem to be fine, but will keep monitoring them as you suggested.

Im not sure if we have amprolium here, Im sure there would be something. I'll look into it.

We'll try the suggestion for food/water. Thank you!

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