Chickens shaking head/eyes shut

Thanks for the suggestions and the great article. I have listened to the birds and cannot hear any gurgling sounds or other respiratory sounds but sometimes they do seem to be breathing through an open mouth. So I will definitely treat for respiratory illness. I have a couple different kinds of antiobiotics on hand: Neo-Chlor which has tetracycline HCL and Neomysin Sulfate and I have another antibiotic which came highly recommended by the feed store owner but which I can't lay my hands on at the moment. I will find it though. So I my use the other kind if it does not have a mycin in it so I can give yogurt. I also have a good electrolyte mixture which contains Vitamin A and D, E and B12 along with a whole list of other "goodies". I will try the antibiotic/yogurt/electrolyte mixture.

The birds are presently eating "Meatbuilder" feed made by Purina.
if they are hot, they will breath through their mouth also- so are these being raised for meat or layers? the feed made me wonder on that- not that that would be much of an issue in the current situation-
Hi Diatomaceous Earth is a natural way of worming chickens or any other animal. It must be Food grade Diatomaceous earth, i.e FGDE. Often called just D.E. Take a look online. Just Google the name. I have started using it with my backyard flock. I also heard that when the eggs have chicken poo on them when you go collect them, that is a sign that the flock need to be wormed. I have a hen about two and a half years old that seems to be weak and stands still. In the last couple of day she seems to have become weaker and can hardly walk. I don't know what to do to help her. She is starting to feel cold and she is closing her eyes a lot. I am knew to this and hopefully some one can help me or maybe she may not last much longer.

There doesn't seem to be any sign of lice or mite. I keep their pen clean and dust it with the appropriate pest powder. I worm them all. I used to use the pink colored wormer from the produce store until I got onto D.E. With this sick one I made up some of the pink colored wormer solution and squeezed some down her throat. Its probably too early to see if that makes any difference to her. Anyone?
My chickens went through a spell of head shaking, almost constant. But i went and got some poultry dust and within a day or two of putting it in the run the head shaking stopped so i guess mine had some mites or lice one..I looked on their heads but never saw anything. I think the pests were getting in their ears causing irritation and causing them to shake their head.
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Hello I have a rooster that is displaying the lethargy and head down eyes closed with feathers fluffed up. He shakes his head and every now and then seems to shiver. His chest is clear and he is eating and drinking. He will walk around a little. I started him on antibiotics last night but I do not know what is going on with him. I don't think it is respiratory or lice. Do chicken behave that way with ear infections?

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