Coccidiosis and prolapsed vent?


Apr 17, 2024
I have a 4 week old silkie mix chick who has been “off” since I got him. His (her?) butt feathers have become crusted with white poop, and he smells awful. I gave him a bath yesterday and noticed his vent seems to be swollen and halfway prolapsed? It has a “lip” that looks flipped out. It doesn’t look like other prolapsed vent pictures on Google, though. After the little guys bath, I noticed another chick in the brooder had pooped blood so I ran out and began treating with Corid last night. The little chick has been eating and drinking but strains hard to poop (barely anything comes out) and chirps out like he’s in terrible pain. After 24hr on Corid he still has the white leaky poop and swollen vent. What else can I do to help the poor little thing??


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Bathing is a good start, keep their bottom clear so they don't get closed up. I don't know specific treatments, but recommend looking at threads about "Vent Gleet" and "Pasty Butt" on here.
Hope everyone is ok, and best of luck!
Can you get a picture with it cleaned up and feathers out of the way?
Hard to tell what we're looking at. How long have you had it, and was the vent normal when you got it? I'm wondering about a deformity, or the chick may be constipated. You can give some coconut oil to help with that, freeze a tablespoon and break it up into little pieces and feed to the chick, get as much of that tablespoon in it as you can. See if that helps get things moving.

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