Crows are hanging around my coop. Is this a problem?

Jan 12, 2024
South Carolina Greenville
We noticed 2 crows moved in, Probably mates and they seemed to want to make a nest in one of the nearby trees but the only problem is that they sometimes hang around my birds and interact with my dogs?? I get that crows are incredibly smart, but the two crows would interact with my dogs by just standing next to them and plucking ticks off of them. They would come in the coop and stand by my rooster and somehow my Rocky (My rooster) is not even flinching or moving it was like he accepted he has new neighbors they began building a nest on the branch of a tree really high up. They used some of my hay and I guess it would make sense considering my entire neighborhood has chickens. I have noticed the crows will start to crow when they see something like a hawk, bird, or a predator like a raccoon or something. I saw some stories of crows standing near chicken coops to be "Support" but I want to know if this will even be a problem with the crows, Can they bring any diseases or will they do anything they should not?
If those crows have any diseases or parasites that could affect your chickens those are already in your environment. I don't see a way to prevent exposure without killing those crows. And every songbird that gets close. It's probably already too late anyway. You said neighbors have chickens. Some parasites and diseases can be spread over long distances. There is a threat from them too.

It can be horrible if certain diseases get to your chickens. You can be wiped out or see real suffering. But the majority of things people most worry about or see are not going to wipe out your flock. I consider them more of an inconvenience that can be treated. Inspect your chickens regularly for mites and lice. Learn the signs for worms. Pay attention to how your chickens act. If they fluff up and act lethargic something is probably going on. I don't worry that something horrible is going to happen to my chickens but I do inspect them.

As Sourland said crows can eat eggs and baby chicks. That would be my concern from crows.
Sounds like a blessing to me, I know there's always that potential for wildlife to spread things, but if you're free ranging these crows are the sentinels for your farm to warn of danger and fight off hawks your Rooster can't reach.

Depending on where you are, if the crows aren't mingling with the neighbors and going into the city to pick up trash, I wouldn't worry too much.

But as mentioned they can get eggs or chicks.
I did some web searching and inspected my chickens, The crows do not physically interact with my chickens, they perch on the branches or on one of my tables on my patio and look at them and never get too close for comfort, I used a pair of binoculars and see they have some eggs in their nest, So they most likely are trying to start a family. I am beginning to try to befriend them by feeding them occasionally, but they do not seem comfortable yet.

i do believe they just saved me from another hawk attack because a Hawk was stalking my ducks on a branch of a nearby tree and I saw the crows jump out of their tree and begin cornering the hawk until it flew off and they went AFTER it. They came back a few minutes later and sat back in their nest.

I inspected the chickens that they were sitting next to for two hours, My rooster and black australorp, They were completely fine all the way around and did not seem sick at ALL.

The crows seemed to be looking for food and began eating some seeds and berries from the bushes I noticed it might be hard for them to find food so I might set up a feeder but there are squirrels and chipmunks so I do not know if that will be a waste or not.

I really need these crows, If my Rooster keeps fighting them off he might get incredibly injured and leave my fowl and poultry vulnerable. Even though most hawks I have come across are cooper hawks, I barely see any red tails.
I did some web searching and inspected my chickens, The crows do not physically interact with my chickens, they perch on the branches or on one of my tables on my patio and look at them and never get too close for comfort, I used a pair of binoculars and see they have some eggs in their nest, So they most likely are trying to start a family. I am beginning to try to befriend them by feeding them occasionally, but they do not seem comfortable yet.

i do believe they just saved me from another hawk attack because a Hawk was stalking my ducks on a branch of a nearby tree and I saw the crows jump out of their tree and begin cornering the hawk until it flew off and they went AFTER it. They came back a few minutes later and sat back in their nest.

I inspected the chickens that they were sitting next to for two hours, My rooster and black australorp, They were completely fine all the way around and did not seem sick at ALL.

The crows seemed to be looking for food and began eating some seeds and berries from the bushes I noticed it might be hard for them to find food so I might set up a feeder but there are squirrels and chipmunks so I do not know if that will be a waste or not.

I really need these crows, If my Rooster keeps fighting them off he might get incredibly injured and leave my fowl and poultry vulnerable. Even though most hawks I have come across are cooper hawks, I barely see any red tails.
I agree the crows are good, they're starting a family that will stay in your location. If it were a gang of young crows then I'd be concerned because they travel around like teenagers getting into trouble while a family stays put.

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