Day 5 Candled....and questions (PICTURES).. Help? / DAY 7 update! (PICTURES on page 3)


7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
New Jersey
Okay, I decided to candle 3 eggs on Day 5. I let them be for Day 4.

This is what I got from One of the eggs inside

i circled the dark spot in the egg. Good spot? Bad Spot? Two eggs had this dark spot inside the least.

When I opened the incubator and picked out the lightest colored egg, I found this:

I highly don't remember seeing those spots on the egg. I put it back into the incubator away from the rest until someone can
identify. I clearly remember these spot were NOT on the egg when I put it in.

Here's another candled egg

i think the dark spot in this one is a little easier to see.

*** just candled all 12 eggs...all 12 eggs have dark spots. but 1 of the dark spots is smaller then the rest....Eeek. I marked them all 1 through 12... Egg 7 is the one with the small dark spot. i will candle day 7 or 8.
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IMO they don't look fertile..? I could see very distinct veining by day 3-4 with all of my eggs.
i have one with a air sack on top with a ring of red. so i hope I have at least one. but i will recandle at day 7 and 10 to see. I am NOT giving up hope
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Hey so it's 6:41pm and I got home around 6pm and decided to candle them again.
They all still have that dark spot, but i noticed at least in two of them has small red vains and one has a red vain circle...
however they ALL have an air pocket.

Since they all developed an air pocket, does that mean they are going to be good?
or even bad eggs (porous) develope the air pocket at the pointy end?
I don't think it's a ring... i doubled check that egg and i didn't notice a ring.
i wish i had a better camera that would take pictures in the dark of the egg. hmm..
I'm a newbie myself so don't really know..mine had a spot with veins coming out at day 5..they looked like little spiders in there.
it should look like a spider, how do you upload pictures? i can put up a picture at 4 days

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