Do you see two pullets?


Premium Feather Member
7 Years
May 7, 2017
East Texas
My 6 easter babies are nearing 5 weeks
I'm sure that I have 4 males & one females (one light male not pictured) for certain.
The one I'm unsure of is the dark one in the middle

The other two dark ones have much bigger and redder combs. Thier bodies are quite a bit larger and they haven't feathered in like the smaller one.
But this littler one's comb looks too pink for a 5 week old pullet.

These photos are all of the same chick


Another group shot, chick in question is the one in back
(You can see the difference between in feathering between it and the other black males)
Agree, the black one in question's modified pea comb is just too red at five weeks not be worried about (if you want pullets).

He'd go on my 'hope list' but would lean cockerel right now.

Two more weeks or so, and you'll know for sure.

One pretty pullet is better than zero?!
Agree, the black one in question's modified pea comb is just too red at five weeks not be worried about (if you want pullets).

He'd go on my 'hope list' but would lean cockerel right now.

Two more weeks or so, and you'll know for sure.

One pretty pullet is better than zero?!
I've had zero plenty of times, so I have to agree.

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