Does the coop provide enough shade?


May 5, 2020
central KY
Hi all,

I am working on a new coop and run. The coop will be situated in an area with no shade. I had originally planned to place the run on the East side of the coop, so the coop itself would provide a little shade from the heat (central KY). However, this layout will not work for me, and the run will need to be located on the west or north side of the coop.

The coop itself will be large enough and tall enough for good ventilation. Will the coop be enough shade for the chickens or do I need to install a roof/cover/tarp on the run as well? The concern about roof/cover/tarps are wind.
If the run is on the west side of the coop the building won't provide any meaningful shade during the hottest part of the day so you'll need to come up with something to provide shade in portions of the run.

This could be shadecloth over part of the run, pallets up on blocks, vines on a trellis outside the west wall of the run, etc.
If the run is on the west side of the coop the building won't provide any meaningful shade during the hottest part of the day so you'll need to come up with something to provide shade in portions of the run.
Thanks for the reply. I realize the coop will not shade the run if the run is on the West side of the coop, but I was asking if the coop itself would be enough shade for the chickens, or if the run needed shade as well.
Thanks for the reply. I realize the coop will not shade the run if the run is on the West side of the coop, but I was asking if the coop itself would be enough shade for the chickens, or if the run needed shade as well.

You mean inside?

Probably not. Even if you've got enough ventilation that the coop doesn't get warm in the sun it would still mean that they have to spend a great deal of time in the coop instead of outside on hot days.

Since one of the best ways for chickens to cool off when it threatens to overheat is to dig into the ground to reach cooler layers underneath that's not ideal.

How about a couple pallets up on blocks and maybe a row of large sunflowers planted just outside the west fence?
but I was asking if the coop itself would be enough shade for the chickens, or if the run needed shade as well.
In the coop or under it?
If the coop is in full sun, it's probably going to be hotter inside than out.

(central KY)
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