Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

I took a short nap. as soon as I woke up I went out and cut rhubarb. when I came back into the house,
there was a pie on the table, cooling off.
How's that for efficiency ??
Annie picked some from the patch near the house. well, now we are ready for the next one.
I told Annie that she won't have to cook for the next few days. I can live on rhubarb pie.
our 53 yr old apple tree is loaded with blossoms. I hope the frost stays away. we have all sorts of bees flying around here.
Here is a shot of the under stairs shelf with all of the small piles of cut/offs and plywoods. even some eight foot stock lying on the floor.
I got the drill press moved out of the way.
even fixed the pinion gear.
I promised my sister that I would make new slats for one of her park benches. I will use oak from the tree that she fell out of the swing and broke her arm about 75 years ago.
how do you like my run/on sentences ? lol

Your pie sounds delicious Jim. All my fruit trees have a lot of blossoms this year. I enjoy your run on sentences Jim. Like a meandering river. My husband burns all those short boards. I sometimes hide and hoard them.
with a little luck, this should be a picture of our
45 to 50 year old volunteer apple trees.
it is stuck between the pines. all of the branches on the other side are dead and gone.
the two trunks each produce a different apple.
last year the one on the left did not blossom.
this year, 3/5 of the blossoms are from the left trunk
I hope the frost holds off.
there are all sorts of bees flying about.

I'm envious of the rhubarb pie, Jim. Honestly, I usually just make it into sauce and eat it all by itself -- I love rhubarb.

Sounds like your tomatoes are thriving, Lisa. I'm relieved when I go out and my plants haven't been dug out, eaten or abused by the legion of annoying critters here.

Last week there SEVEN whitetails in the pasture north of my yard. That's probably more than I've seen in all the years I've lived here. I suggested they quickly move away to the neighbor's.

My sister is coming up next week and can help me get the riding mower trailered and taken to the shop. In the meantime, the electric mower and I are taking way too many walks together. I tried to improve the efficiency of charging its batteries by buying another one that can be on the charger while I'm trudging along. Menards had five chargers yesterday and an empty space where there should have been batteries. Grrrr!

Menards was sold out of onion sets, so even though I don't like Walmart, I stopped at its greenhouse. The flower bulbs and perennial food stuffs were on clearance. So, for less than $6, I got 100 red onion sets, 10 June-bearing strawberry roots and three lovely tiger lily bulbs. If any portion of them actually grows, it was a bargain!
Barb, you must have started typing just as I was waking up. I got up at 3:45am.

we were at Memards uesterdau also.
bought a new sump pump. of course we had to buy 2" pipe and fittings. the 1 1/2" pipe I already have wouldn't fit the new pump.

In my cleaning in the shop, I found enough short 2x4's
to get a good start on the shelves in the tool lean to.
I have two 12' walls worth of shelving to make.
you wouldn't believe how many feet of shelves I already have. I should take pictures..
instead of cluttered floors, I have cluttered walls.

my rhubarb pie is gone. time for another one.

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