Duck Garden Ideas?


Feb 2, 2021
Hi again, all! I have a question for everyone that is thankfully positive, for once. We are going to be redoing the backyard this spring, planting micro clover instead of grass, adding berry bushes, raised planters to keep our veggie garden safe from the ducks, etc. We have a stretch along the fence that is completely bare, aside from some moonflower vine that we are removing due to it being toxic to the ducks. The area is about 25’ long and we can go as much as 3’ deep. We would like to turn it into an edible garden for the ducks, mostly herbs and such. We also would like to have some things planted there that are evergreen so they can still have a few plants over winter. So, that all being said, what plants have you all noticed your ducks really like? Any to avoid? Thanks!
My ducks love the lilac all 4 seasons. It's their favorite hawk cover, Hidey-hole from killer deer, spring sprout nibble, summer shade, winter dropped rotting leaves, and just recently they discovered the seedpods.

Might be a bit large for your plot.

Addedenum: beets. They nibbled the tops to the ground.
So the problem is if you plant something they really like, such as lettuce, they will devour it quickly before it gets big and it will be gone. I plant herbs -basil, cilantro, oregano, mint, etc., because they don’t like it, so it survives. If you want something they like, you might try thornless blackberries or raspberries since the leaves are edible but the plants are tall enough to survive. I once grew collard greens in my raised beds. The plants were protected from my ducks when the plants were small. When the plants were big the ducks liked munching on them but not so much that they killed the plant, so that might work too.
Mine love herbs of any kind! They like lavender too. I have a similar area and planted wild flowers and just so many herbs. Mine love spinach and tomato plants… as you can imagine, they don’t last long but love watching them! :)
I’m not sure where you’re located in the world or what your soil moisture level in that area is like, but we’re planning on planting some fringed sedge this spring for our ducks to nibble on (and probably eventually destroy 😂). Also, here’s a nice article about plants for ducks!
Oh, yeah. That might have been helpful information to provide. We’re in Southwest Ohio, I think it’s zone 6a or 6b. I’ve seen that post from Tyrant Farms before and was planning on using a lot of the plants they suggest. I just thought maybe some people on here would have some ideas (from personal experience) on what works and what doesn’t.
My ducks love the lilac all 4 seasons. It's their favorite hawk cover, Hidey-hole from killer deer, spring sprout nibble, summer shade, winter dropped rotting leaves, and just recently they discovered the seedpods.

Might be a bit large for your plot.

Addedenum: beets. They nibbled the tops to the ground.
Thanks! We have two lilacs planted, but they’re still too small to give the ducks access to. We could definitely do beets. They’d have to fight my kids for them, though!
Mine love herbs of any kind! They like lavender too. I have a similar area and planted wild flowers and just so many herbs. Mine love spinach and tomato plants… as you can imagine, they don’t last long but love watching them! :)
We’re definitely going to have several tomato plants. Our ducks go crazy for tomatoes. The lavender is good to know. We were thinking of lining the other side of the fence with it already, to help distract neighbors from the duck and dog smell in our yard.

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