Duck laying with no shell or membrane

Thanks everyone for all the tips. I still haven't found a vet for her yet. Had a migraine for most of the day but I will try checking around tomorrow.

I read about the Vitamin D and shells. She has well tanned feet from being outdoors all day. Any chance its still related to D? Admittedly we have had a lot rainy cloudy weather here in Oregon. Also I just found out a friend of a friend has a chicken doing this in the area. Perhaps it is sunlight? or perhaps an infection. So hard to tell with her acting like she is fine, zipping around full of energy.

Lydia, how far does the 4oz Poultry Nutri Drench go? It is diluted I am guessing?

I'm not sure T, since i just ran out of the 16 oz. bottle and bought this 4 oz one at TSC. the 16 oz lasted almost 2 years.

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