Ducklings and swimming

Jan 22, 2022
So I have duck eggs that are supposed to hatch in 5 days!!! But I read your not supposed to let them swim because they dont have water proof feathers and the oils and suff but how do they get water proof feathers if they aren't born with it(I know how it happens in the wild, the babys get the oils from the mama) and is there anything I can do promote water proof feathers? Can I buy stuff for it like special oil? And yes I know how stupid this all sounds but I want them to be able to have water proof feathers quicker to ne able to swim in the run cus there wont be much else to do!
I don't really pay attention to that stuff, I also haven't ducklings for over 3 years.
But when my ducks were ducklings I think we let them swim a little when they were about 4 weeks old or something like that.
And my blue swedishs would bath in their water bowl when they were ducklings even when they were only a couple days old.
I think as long as they don't get super wet and are in warm water and are older than a week maybe I think it would be okay to let them swim a little, oh and in shallow water nothing to deep.
That's just what I think.

I think @Miss Lydia. Will be able to give better advice then me.
I have been raising ducklings for six years. I introduce my ducklings to water when they are a day old. I give them a pie plate filled with water. The water stimulates their oil glands. I then give them bigger containers and more frequently. By three days old they are swimming in a bus-boy tub of water. By a week, they are totally water proof. I would disagree with those saying that the oil comes from momma. I have looked for scientific articles saying as much and not found any. I would say though, do not force ducklings in water. Use warm or luke warm water. Make sure they can get out. I use bricks as steps. Make sure they do not get water-logged (soaking wet) for more that a few minutes (5). Make sure they have a warm place to dry off after the swim. Other than that, they will take to water like, um, . . . a duck to water!
Here are two videos. The first is an old video. The second, my current ducklings.
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I start my babies at day 3 in the tub
They get out and start preening and using their glands
This batch I have now went straight to under water diving the first time in the tub
I make the water warm and give them 5-10 mins then dry them with paper towel as it absorbs more then let them start cleaning themselves
My little ones love bath time
Now when they see me with the bin to carry them to the tub they are running to me peeping to get picked up to go bath :)
I have been raising ducklings for six years. I introduce my ducklings to water when they are a day old. I give them a pie plate filled with water. The water stimulates their oil glands. I then give them bigger containers and more frequently. By three days old they are swimming in a bus-boy tub of water. By a week, they are totally water proof. I would disagree with those saying that the oil comes from momma. I have looked for scientific articles saying as much and not found any. I would say though, do not force ducklings in water. Use warm or luke warm water. Make sure they can get out. I use bricks as steps. Make sure they do not get water-logged (soaking wet) for more that a few minutes (5). Make sure they have a warm place to dry off after the swim. Other than that, they will take to water like, um, . . . a duck to water!
Here are two videos. The first is an old video. The second, my current ducklings.
what a perfect little set up you have :)

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