Ducks biting each other

I'm having the same problem with mine. I have 2 rouens and 2 Indian Runners. 2 days ago, my female Rouen started pecking all 3 others. They were swimming in the baby pool at the time. Today, she has continued with the pecking, but I just noticed my male runner is bleeding on his wing and she (twice) leaned over him to peck at the bloody part, she had blood on the inside of her bill. I'm worried that she will become cannabalized. On a side note, I've only seen her do it when they are all in the baby pool.
Even though I've seen the female pluck at that place on him? She plucks at the wings and feathers of the other ducks as well. But she kept at this one, at the very spot it's bleeding. I mean, he was fine when I put them in the water, would he just all of a sudden start bleeding?

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